Avast 4.8 free edition not recognized by Symantec security scan

After running a free Symantec scan, it tells me no virus protection is there, what am I missing??? Sorry if this was answered elsewhere, didn’t find it, thanks
Using with Win98se

I’m hardly surprised that Symantec is saying you don’t have protection after all they are trying to sell products.

Zone Alarm to also doesn’t detect avast as it too has a suite with an av that they are trying to sell.

Base your decisions on if avast is running and working on your system rather than the comment of a competitor AV, after al what would an on-line scanner be doing telling you you haven’t got protection, that isn’t what you asked it to do.

There are many on-line scanners and many better than symantec at that IMHO. On-line Virus Scanners and other useful Links Security-Ops.eu.tt

Thanks for the response. Seems to me that everything was fine regardless of what I was being told, couldn’t find anything untoward… thanks again.

No problem, glad I could help.

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