Avast version: 4.8 Home
Full version info not avail but package downloaded 27/07/09 and program update has ocurred so should be latest version.
Drivecrypt version: 3.03b
On trying to mount an encrypted drivecrypt partition, drivecrypt reports:
Title: dev drv.Not raw device - Share violation
FileSystem partition DEV:
The correct name should be listed as:
and will not mount the partition.
The problem appears to be that Avast has installed a set of mini filter drivers[1] in the NTFS driver stack identified as \Filesystem\FltMgr which interferes with the dedicated drivecrypt driver which expects to see the partition type as RAW (\Filesystem\RAW).
It’s understandable that an encryption program may require to make direct access to the disk so it may be that these two programs at this version are incompatible, which is a shame.
Any opinions?
This topic has been touched upon here:
on 11th May 2008 but I think the file system angle was missed.
Later versions of Drivecrypt may address this issue but upgrade is a high cost and uncertain option and later versions have intrusive DRM overheads.
[1] The insertion of the mini filter is suggested here: