GGSafe is antivirus protection. The Web is Avast 4.8 says GGSafe.sys are Suspicious File.
The Tip is “A suspicious file has been detected (using a heuristic method). This may be a sign of malware infection.
Please allow the file to be submitted to our virus lab for analysis. Type:hidden services”. The Picture Follow.
If GGSafe is another anti-virus, then its act of hiding is the problem.
Having two resident scanners installed is not recommended as rather than provide twice the protection it can cause conflicts that could leave you more vulnerable. So you could be seeing one of the issues of having two resident AVs.
GGSafe isn’t anti-virus, and there isn’t cause conflicts GGSafe and Avast. So, Avast shouldn’t report GGSafe.sys is Suspicious File. I suggest that avast ignore this report.
I got that impression from a couple of google hits, but it wasn’t easy to find information not in Chinese - Notice I started the comment with ‘If’ as the search wasn’t conclusive.
So if it isn’t an anti-virus, then I would have to ask a) what exactly is it and b) why it is necessary to hide the service; which is what avast is finding ‘suspicious.’ ?
This however isn’t a conclusive detection but a suspicion based on heuristic detection method in the anti-rootkit scan.