Lucky you… from time to time… not only me but all avast users has issues with Comodo. Sometimes due to avast, most of the times due to Comodo to inject code into dll loaded in memory…
Both. And both XP and Vista.
Without Defense+ it’s a poor firewall imho. With it, it becomes hard to common users to administrate it. I could use Comodo in Vista just for few days and have a lot of problems.
PCTools shows to be more stable and simple on Vista.
Hmmm… So are you guys saying comodo & avast doesn’t go well together? Pity, I really like those two programs. So is there someone here who found a way to make this two programs work harmoniously together?
That isn’t really what is being said, this is Tech own personal experience with comodo, but there are many forum members using it without problem. Like anything there are going to be cases were it doesn’t work out for some people and that may be down th the additional software they may be using.
Each system is different in some ways, so the best way for you to tell is to try it and see how it works for you.
It does work for me. Only thing that’s bugging me is the 39 sec loading of avast during boot up. I guess the only thing I can do is wait for the next version and hope the guys from alwil will do something about it.
Please, don’t forget to warn Comodo team also… last two times I had problems, the issue was in Comodo, accepting or not, due to code injection to dll memory space of other applications (like avast dlls).