avast 4.8

-i heard that avast 4.8 include anti spyware & anti rootkit, is that true? and when avast 4.8 (not beta) is released?
-i have avast 4.7 now, can avast 4.7 protect my pc from spyware and rootkit?

Erm i dont think so . :-X because i just heard that avast 4.8 have anti-rootkit.

Yes. The release date hasn’t been announced but it will be relatively soon as the latest beta seems quite stable.

Only partially, avast 4.8 will do much better job in this respect.


I guess the anti-spyware feature of Avast! 4.8v will be real-time.

So here’s my question. I’m allready using:
-Spyware Terminator real-time protection (no HIPS)
-SpyBot S&D resident-teatimer (system and overall protection)
-Comodo firewall Defense+ → a powerfull HIPS
-Avast! On-Access Protection Control of course

Working all together like a charm, but will I be (not me actualy, my pc :P) able to handle another anti-spyware real-time or does sth have to go?



Yes, you (your computer ;)) will be able.
But I don’t think it will worth having ST and SB residents due to performance degradation.
I think it would be enough to have avast as resident and the others only for on-demand.

What is it you are bumping, you haven’t asked any question in this topic ?

I got fed up of waiting for someone to reply to PiCo’s question. ;D

ahahahaha thanx m8!

teatimer will go! ST stays!

Thank u :slight_smile:

How soon for 4.8? I am boiling over with anticipation. Also since my son and my wife use Avast as well. When 4.8 is released can it be updated through the program update feature? Thanks.

Well we are on the third version of the beta so it is progressing, there is no firm date, but I wouldn’t think it will be too long. It depends on what is found during beta testing being able to be replicated and the cause discovered and a solution complied and tested internally before being released to beta testing.

There is a further complication in that the 4.8 version has an anti-rootkit element and that it seems to me is taking some fine tuning and must be correct as it will form a valuable part of avast 4.8.

The one thing for sure, you will hear about it here on the forums first.

Ok then, thanks for the info. It’s much appreciated.

Your welcome.