Hi there everyone,

I am looking for an official copy of AVAST 4.8. Does anyone know that if I tried contacting AVAST that I have any chance of them sending me a copy? I need this as I have a Windows NT machine that needs an AV on it and this is the most up to date AV for an NT that I can find. Websites offer Avast 4.8 but I would rather get it from a reliable source. Has anyone tried contacting Avast for version 4.8 since they don’t offer it on there website?

Any help getting a legitimate copy of this would be amazing!

avast is not supplying older versions.
You will have to get it from somewhere else.

Even if you managed to get a copy of avast 4.8 you would be stuffed anyway as VPS updates for 4.8 are also discontinued.


Have you checked if ClamWin work?

ClamWin >> http://www.clamwin.com/
Clam Sentinel >> http://clamsentinel.sourceforge.net/

ClamAV >> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clam_AntiVirus
ClamAV >> https://www.clamav.net/

Last version for NT is Avast V8.0.1497, it also still receives VPS updates.