Avast 4, Booting speed?

I think Avast 4 is a great piece of kit for personnel users and business.

I have a Amd Duron 900 i know this is quite slow now but i find it takes avast a long time to load when i boot up. I have turned off unnecessary things such as update automatically etc but still remains quite slow, is there anything i can do to make it boot quicker?


You mean - “it takes long time to boot the computer” or “it takes long time for the avast tray icon to appear”?

What OS are you using? What is “long time”?



Do you maybe have DSL ?
please post details to your inet/network HW/SW

What programs/services start with WIN ?


I am on windows XP, the boot up is fine its when its loading avast on the desktop screen im 90% sure its avast which is taking so long? The icon spins around for a long time, a long time is about 1-2mins, before my computer is ready to be used. I also have Sygate Firewall as well. But thats all i have. It could be the windows applications and avast is checking them while they are loading i dont know.

Problem Resolved

i have speeded up the boot-up time when XP starts after log on by using MSCONFIG. What i thought was Avast was actually other things starting up.

Lee Tambiah