avast! 4 for PDA and HOME/PRO in the same computer

It won’t be posible to see your answers but, even it’s very late here, I’m trying to post some troubles with the simultaneous installation of avast! (Home and/or Profesional) and avast! PDA Edition:

In the Control Panel, the second installed program overwrite the first one. In my system, when I installed the PDA Edition, the icon for the Pro version ‘disappear’…

I manually changed the commands for them and only in this case I can have both icons on Control Panel:

Name: avast! Antivirus
CMD: rundll32 C:\ARQUIV~1\Avast\Setup\setiface.dll,RunSetup

Name: avast! PDA Edition
CMD: rundll32 C:\ARQUIV~1\Avast\PDAEDI~1\Setup\setiface.dll,RunSetup

But, when I update avast! Home/Pro, the icon disappear and only PDA remains after all :cry:

I have to make manually two icons:

“DisplayName”=“avast! Antivirus”
“Publisher”=“Alwil Software”
“DisplayIcon”=“C:\Arquivos de programas\Avast\ashAvast.exe”
“UninstallString”=“rundll32 C:\ARQUIV~1\Avast\Setup\setiface.dll,RunSetup”

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\avast! PDA Edition]
“DisplayName”=“avast! PDA Edition”
“Publisher”=“Alwil Software”
“DisplayIcon”=“C:\Arquivos de programas\Avast\PDA Edition\aswPdaUp.exe”
“UninstallString”=“rundll32 C:\ARQUIV~1\Avast\PDAEDI~1\Setup\setiface.dll,RunSetup”

Strange indeed… In the eve of my holidays :cry:

After boot, I confirm the behavior above… :-\ :cry:

So it’s just the icon…? :wink:

No, two at the system tray…
Only one of them (PDA Edition) is show into the Control Panel… like the other (avast! Home/Pro) is not installed) :-\