I had previously installed avast 32. I recently downloaded the later version avast 4! home edition. As instructed I installed avast32 before attempting to install avast 4! Each time I downloaded and executed the setup engine for the avast 4 home edition it run the setup screen display the instructions, then stop. I am unable to get it to complete the setup program. I had updated and ran a full virus scan prior to installing the avast 32 version.
I am unaware of any other issues with my system. I also disabled my firewall protection to ensure that it wouldn’t interfere with the setup function. I was also unable to find any FAQ’s relating to my specific issue and also visited the avast 4 forum for assistance. I have yet to receive a response in regards to my issue. Could someone help me with the installation process, so that I can have some virus protection. There might be some basic instruction that I am failing to complete.
You have only just posted a problem without much detail, so it will take a few messages back and forth to help resolve it.
Please, if you have any AV installed, uninstall it.
then reboot.
then download and run this program. http://www.avast.com/i_idt_1336.html
and follow it’s instructions.
Shut down ALL running programs.
Then try re-installing avast4 and make note of where it stops.
Then please post here quoting what the install program says when it stops as that will help.
Please also post your system config. Operating system, memory etc.
The more detail you supply, the better the chance of someone being able to help.
When I click on the download file “setupeng4” for avast 4 the read me screen appears with instructions then stops.
The avast setup screen with instructions does not provide any means to go further in the setup. Clicking on the avast read me screen does nothing and no error messages given, until I attempt to close out the screen.
When this happens a message appears: “do you really want to quit setup”. However, the screen appears to be frozen.
All of my programs are disable prior to making these attempts. The screen says avast setup but to me it appears to be instructions only.
I must say, that I don’t fully understand what’s happening on your side?
What does mean ‘does not provide any means to go further’? Are there ‘back’, ‘next’ and ‘cancel’ buttons in lower right corner? Are they grayed out? Does ‘tab’ key work as expected? Does enter key work as expected?
When there is ‘do you really want to quit setup’, are there ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ buttons on the display? What does mean ‘screen appears to be frozen’?
Too many questions, I know, but I really need to understand the problem.
Ok, my operating system is windows 98 Se, IE 6 SP2, with 384MB with 5GB RAM remaining. The setup file for avast 4 is not loading the program. The program file stops prior to completing the setup. No error messages given but the program appears paused.
The folder for the avast 4 file on my hard drive remains empty after executing the setup engine. In every case the virus cleaner was used prior to my attempts to reinstall avast setupeng 4 file. The setup engine is not completing the installation of the setup program avast 4.
Can someone send me a link for the avast 4 program, other than the home page. The home page link may be broken. Thanks
I tend to have a clearer understanding of your problem.
Were you succesful in downloading the setup file (6.4mb) OR are you saying that the download of the program itself stopped before completing?
I will be back shortly with another server link for you to try if the later is the problem.
Ok…here are 2 server sites for the English version:
If you are succesful in downloading the file (I suggest that you “Save” it to file, rather than “Open” when downloading. This will indicate that the server connection is fine and that we have a system problem.
I have had a Windows installer go bad, but we can take care of that later if it proves to be the problem.
PS: By the way…that’s not really your picture is it??? hahaha
cshajkur, I still don’t understand what you’re writing (okay, it’s 3:30 AM here now, but ;)).
Can you, please, reply to my questions I asked in my previous post?
You may also try to describe us which dialogs are you getting and which buttons are you pressing etc.
Can someone send me a link for the avast 4 program, other than the home page. The home page link may be broken.
Techie sent you two links. But that doesn’t matter anyway - setup checks itself and reports an error if it’s broken, so you would see an error dialogue if this would be the case.
Ok Thanks. I used both of the links that were sent to me. Afer cleaning I made several more attempts to reinstall avast 4 without success. I had previously installed avast 32 and was into the first trial week before making an attempt to change to the avast 4 version. Since a temporary registration number is given during that period of use. Perhaps, the registration number that is given restricts users to a specific program until it expires.
I was able to install several other antivirus programs without any problems whatsoever. Each of the three antivirus programs worked fine. From this I can only conclude that the problem may exist with avast 4 software or the server used to download the program.
In addition, was also able to activate and run two programs that didn’t work before installing avast 32. My Diskeeper and Registry First Aide programs should not be affected by the antivirus program. Some of you may want to explore that issue, if you already have the antivirus program installed.
I perform beta testing so I’m use to tweaking software to make it compatible with other programs. I haven’t given up on avast 4 and would appreciate any help or suggestions given. I would really like to get this resolve. Thanks again.
Please, cs. What are you really doing? Installing three different antivirus programs? See another foruns about this… You´ll be in a severe danger trouble, even uninstalling Norton - for example - you could have dificult to install avast because NAV never go away from Windows Registry completely…
Downloaded the cleaner for avast 32 and installed it prior to redownloading avast 4. setup and execute setup file for avast 4. setup file ran until Readme screen appeared then stopped. Program stopped and would not run beyond readme screen.
Repeated all of the steps several times getting the same results as before. Referring to the file: setupeng. This problem occurred after uninstalling a working copy of Avast 32 and using the avast 32 cleaner.
At no time did I receive any error messages during installation.