Avast 4 Home edition for Windows XP 64bit version

I have installed ‘avast! 4 Home’ and everytime I try to open it, I get an error message stating: “unknown error message”, “Application cannot load skin. Function usiGetSkin Failed”.

How can I solve this issue with the operational system.

Thank you for your help

BC Findings

The file may not be registered.

If you have Windows x64:
Press OK (or Enter).
A message saying that the file was successfully registered should appear…

Thank you for the advice, however, this does not appeat to work for my system. It says it can not intall…

Any other methods to go around this issue

Now it works, strange, thank you David, much appreciated.

Best Regards

BC Findings

No problem, glad I could help.

Ah computers don’t you just love them ;D

Welcome to the forums.

Glad to be on the forum :slight_smile:

Talk to you later