AVAST! 4 home, freeware no more?

I wanted to recommend AVAST! 4 home to a friend of mine, but when we installed it, on the splash screen we saw: 60 days left for evaluation. Does it mean that AVAST! 4 home, is a freeware no more? ???

You must register to obtain a free license key.

Registration is FREE!

Register here http://www.asw.cz/i_kat_207.php?lang=ENG

avast! Home is now free of charge for HOME users for NON-COMMERCIAL use. You can find more info http://www.avast.com/i_idt_226.html
If you are not a home user or you use your computer for profit, you should buy the commercial version

Thanks! ;D

avast! the best ;D


Question: Isn’t the initial registration only good for one year…then requiring re-registration?

That isn’t a problem, but I wonder if the user can input the same key number?


The re-registration is needed just for updates. The application will continue working.

Maybe just change the final part of it (which is used for time updating checking).

If I’m wrong, please avast! team, let us know… :wink:


Yes, I agree. However, scanning with outdated definitions really defeats the purpose of AVAST, or any anti-virus program.

That is why AVAST is the best. Updates are frequent and automatic!


No comments ;D

Hi Techie101 et all,

avast! 4 Home Edition is free for home noncommercial use. To update it user should insert license key - it’s send to users filling the form at:
and it’s valid for one year (exactly for 14 months). After expiration of this period user should register again to obtain another license key. It’s our policy since introduction of avast! Home in June 1, 2001 and we aren’t going to change it.

Why there’s registration for free product? Why it’s valid for one year only?

The answer is simple - we should plan bandwith of our “download” & “update” servers. We, better you, spend about 3.000 (yes three thousands) GB per months. And we should know about “active users” to plan when and where to lease new server.

Maybe it’s much clear now.


Hy Eduard… Wellcome on-board! Are you new at avast! team?
Thanks for explanations 8)

Nice try Technical :slight_smile:
Actually Eda is one of the founders of ALWIL Software 12 years ago :wink: :wink: (although not very active on this forum!)

Pavel (still laughing) :slight_smile:

Ooops, Eduard Kucera… I suppose. Anyway, thanks Pavel.