I noticed when Avast resident protection runs my programs run slowly under Windows XP Home PL. What do I should change in my settings?
Thank you for your help in advance,
Piotr Murawski
I noticed when Avast resident protection runs my programs run slowly under Windows XP Home PL. What do I should change in my settings?
Thank you for your help in advance,
Piotr Murawski
What does it mean slowly? What is your system configuration?
On today’s normal machines, the scanning shoulnd’t really influence system performance…
My System configuration:
Slowly means that is a noticeable difference in running programs when avast monitor runs and it doesn’t run.
For example my friend use Avast under Windows 2000 Prof and evrything is ok.
Piotr Murawski
Noticable difference – OK let me ask straight – is it like a second, less than a second, ten seconds…etc?
Also, does it help if you just pause the Standard Shield provider (from the avast (a) ball tray icon)?
And is the same behavior exhibited for all executed programs, or just some of them? (e.g. it does not seem happening for Notepad but does for Photoshop). And, is it better if you start the same program for a second time? Or is it always the same?
The difference is about 2-3 sec, as far as I can remeber in Adobe Photo Album SE and in Open Office v1.1.04 (even after the second start)
Many things to check. I can’t check them now because I’m at work.
I’ll check them all at home and write much more tomorrow.
Piotr Murawski
Strange,…the good thing bout Avast is that it uses very less system resources,… I myself run a dated Pentium III 600 Mhz with Windows 2000 Pro SP4 with 640 MB sdram ,…no problems here regarding the speed,…
Is there another AV installed? Did you check the resources Avast uses?
It may be something simple,…
I checked everything and I found the reason for this problem. When I stoped Ashampoo Uninstall monitor my programs started running in normal way (strange ???) . They run normally after the second start.
Piotr Murawski
What is Ashampoo Uninstall Monitor? Is it some kind of utility that tracks changes in the system?
Then it would certainly be worth trying to put its directory to the on-access scanner’s exclusions. It’s quite likely that this software is generating extensive file I/O traffic, and it’s interfering with avast in the sense that avast it constantly picking the file access requests and re-scanning the files…
To set the exclusion, double click the avast (a) ball tray icon, choose Details >>, double-click Standard Shield in the list on the left, go to the Advanced page and click the Add button.
Ashampoo Uninstaller monitors and removes Windows appliactions.
Thanks for your tip, sorry I can’t check it immediately.
About a result I’ll write tomorrow.
Piotr Murawski
I applied what you advised. Now everything seems to work properly.
Piotr Murawski