Avast 5.0.545.0 Newsgroups 481 SSL Error FIXED NOW :)

Just purchased avast 5.0545.0 & everything is working fine except i can’t connect to my newsgroup (giganews). I’m using Grabit 1.7.2 beta & every time it try’s to connect to giganews i get an error message saying ‘481 SSL not allowed’. Giganews is listed in avast under real time shields/mail shield/expert settings/ssl accounts (protocol nntp - port 563 - encryption ssl).

Not sure what to do to get it working again, Some advice would be appreciated :slight_smile:

UPDATE: Got it working after some fiddling around, Had to set the Encryption to NONE & change the port to 119 ;D

If you don’t require SSL for your newsgroup, then change the avast Mail Shield, Expert Settings, SSL Accounts setting for that NNTP account to Encryption ‘None’ should resolves it (as you found).

I don’t know what your NNTP settings are for your giganews (or email program) were, if it is using a different port (not 119) or if you have SSL enabled in the account settings ?

If they weren’t the standard NNTP port 119 then avast may have thought it required SSL.

Ive done the same thing i change the SSL account to none and port to 119 and still having a connection problem it just hangs trying to connect no error ?
this is really getting annoying… Any Help ?

Sorry but we need more information about the news reader like the original poster provided.

Im using Grab It 1.7.2 Beta 4 was working perfectly until i install avast internet security 5 at first i was getting the error as above 481 SSL error ive since fixed that error but now when it connect to giganews it drops out every 2 secs then reconnects if i uninstall avast i dont get that problem

Any clues seems avast is messing with my grabit :slight_smile:

Sorry I don’t use either avast AIS nor Grab It so I’m at a loss as to why the connection would be lost/dropped. I could understand if it were blocked then ensuring that Grab It had outbound permissions in the avast firewall, but it is clearly allowed.

What other security software do you have installed ?

What are the settings into avast firewall for Grab?
Did you have any other firewall before AIS?