Avast 5.0.545 apparently attempts to start Adobe Reader

Ever since I installed Avast 5.0.545 (no, I can’t use the latest version due to http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=72158.msg604412#msg604412) something keeps attempting to start Adobe Reader under the logged-in user account. I don’t want this. Is Avast responsible? If so, how do I turn this off? BTW, this never occurred until I installed 5.0.545.

And no, it’s not my browser – that runs in a restricted user account different from the logged-in user account.

Considering that the last update version of avast 5.0 was 5.0.677 and avast 5.1 was 5.1.889 and now we are on avast 6.0.1000, I don’t know if there would be any point in chasing this down in a very old version of avast.

I can’t see any reason why avast wants to start adobe reader, I have never seen it and I have been using avast for almost seven years. Avast doesn’t require adobe reader to function. I stopped using adobe many years ago (for FoxItPDF reader) and no complaints from avast about not having it installed.

BTW I would recommend giving v6.0.1000 one more spin – maybe this time, try doing a Custom install and uncheck the Behavior Shield option. Looking at the symptoms of the problem, BhS is the most likely cause.


It might be worth checking your file associations. Adobe… being A… ends up first in line for unintended consequences. >:( I know. ;D