Avast 5.0.545 performance issues - Solved!:)

I have Avast 5.0.545 Anti virus free edition - running on the following:
AMD Athlon XP 2500+ 1.83 GHZ, 1.5GB RAM XP Home Edition version 2002 SP3

I attached the HIJACKTHIS log file.

When I click on my ID and the tool bar appears with the Avast icon, the system will just seem to freeze for up to a minute. I checked what was running and Avastsvc.exe had the CPU at 97%. ALso, when the User Interface is open and I click on ‘Scan Computer’, the screen opens to a blank white window. Avast UI.exe is at 98% and remains this way for up to one minute.

Any help will be greatly appreaciated!!!

Using ZoneLabs and Spyware Doctor could cause problems.

Why do you need Spyware Doctor with avast! ???

Do not use ZoneAlarm as Outpost Free is better:

Does the free version of Avast 5.0.545 protect against spyware/malware? I installed PC Tools Spyware Doctor about 2 years ago due to malware. I had no problems with my computer until I upgraded to the free version of Avast 5.0.545. Problems did not start right away. The delay I mentioned during the boot process did not start until about a month ago.

If I understand you correctly, I should remove Spyware Doctor and Zone Labs and then install Outpost Free.

I have Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware (MBAM) full version that works well with avast!

I went to the Avast web site today and it looks like Avast 5.0.545 free edition does protect against spyware/malware. So is my problem then that Pctools & Avast run real time scans when both start?

Eh? Where did you read this? That’s complete nonsense. Summary - do not use two realtime AVs at the same time.

I thought it sounded like Avast protecetd against malware. My Pctools subscription expires in 13 days anyway. I will shut off all real time PCtools protection and see if that corrects the CPU usage problem at start up. I read in this forum about other people with the same performance issues I have and one answer was to disable the real time behavior shield. I shut that off last night and my system performance improved right away:) However, the CPU usage at start up remains at 98%. I will let you know what happens after a disable Pctools real time protection.

Antivirus and anti-spyware are integral to Avast 5 as listed on http://www.avast.com/free-antivirus-download and several other pages on Avast web site.

Running two realtime AVs at the same time results in conflicts and likely allows neither to do it’s job. The end result is less protection, not more and may also cause system instability.

I shut off all real time protection in PCtools and re-booted my computer. I clicked on my ID and after all icons appeared and the tool bar appeared with the Avast icon I checked what was using the cpu. Avastsvc.exe was at 98% and it remained there for a few minutes.

I then turned off all protection in Avast and re-booted my computer and clicked on my ID. When I checked on what was using the CPU, Avastsvc.exe was around 60% CPU usage but jumped up to 97% in about 15 seconds and remained at 97% for a few minutes. Now with all protection in PCtools and Avast shut off what the heck was going on with Avast???

What is Avast doing when one starts an ID in XP Home with SP3? ???

You need to uninstall PC Tools AV. Shutting down doesn’t fix anything, the low-level drivers are still loaded.

Disable is not enough.
You need to uninstall all other antivirus to install avast correctly.

I uninstalled Spyware Doctor but Avast is still not behaving correctly.

BTW, when you mentioned that no other antivirus can be installed for Avast to install correctly…did you mean not running or literally not installed? Also, I have Malware bytes installed…should that also be removed and then remove and reinstall avast?

What does Avast do during installation with other anti virus/spyware installed (not running) that would cause Avastsvc.exe to use up the CPU at start up? Also, how would this affect AvastUI.exe’s functioning?

In fact, not installed.
But, take into account that there are several tools for on-demand scanning only, like MBAM, that WON’T conflict with avast.

In fact, the conflict could do things. Both applications running one against the other…

I am now a happy camper! :slight_smile:

  1. I removed Spyware Doctor via Add/Remove software (my subscription was due to expire soon).
  2. I Rebooted the computer
  3. I ran JV16 Power Tools registry cleaner
  4. I re-installed Avast 5.0.545 free edition
  5. I re-booted the computer

The problem I reported when the UI is open with AvastUI.exe is no more!
Avastsvc.exe no longer sucks the life out of my cpu:)

BTW, I was able to leave MBAM installed since it is on demand.

Thank you all for your help!:slight_smile:

Glad to know matchbox44471.
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