Every time I boot up my XP SP3 32 bit machine, Avast 5.0.667 Freeware version has a warning shield on the avast ball on the task bar. If I open Avast both the Web Shield and the Mail shield are off. It will not let me start either one. After 2/3 minutes Windows Firewall warning pops up saying I do not have a firewall enabled. Right after that both web shield and mail shield activate by themselves and I now can access the Internet. As long as both of the shields are inactive on boot up , I can not access the Internet. Avast4 ran perfect.
Tried all the suggestions on previous threads( uninstall,malwarebits program, etc) Nothing works
I am just about ready to uninstall for good…don’t want to
then i have to ask a stupid question....i guess you already have done this
what antivirus did you have before installing avast ?
have you removed it ?
have you run a removal tool to clean out all leftovers ?
you can find uninstaller tools here http://uninstallers.blogspot.com/
Did you use the removal tool to get rid of all leftovers of 4.8 before installing version 5? if not i would suggest download of latest avast 5.0.677 and save then download the removal tool and save. Go to add remove programs and delet avast and reboot into safe mode then run the removal tool and reboot and then reinstall avast 5.0.677 and reboot again then connect to internet and let avast do its updates then register though program ui.
Thanks, I appreciste folks trying to help with this problem. Followed your steps to the T- Still have the same problem
Will I have the same problem if I buy Avast?
What other processes do you have running at start up and how much ram do you have, you could try turning off some of your start up programs, ie printer’s or anything else that doesn’t have to be on all the time. You can also go to settings, trouble shooting and set avast to start after system services.
I appreciate you may have done this, but when you ran the uninstall utility, did you also select 4.8 when yo ran it, once for 4.8 and then once for 5.0 to ensure that 4.8 was completely removed ?
Now uninstall avast! (using add remove programs, if you can’t do that start from the next step), reboot.- 2. run the avast! Uninstall Utility from safe mode, first for 4.8 if previously installed and then for 5.0, once complete reboot into normal mode.- 3. install the latest version, reboot.
What I can’t understand is the firewall error bit (windows security center) of your original post. I can’t see a) why it would be disabled and b) why it would stop the web shield and mail shield starting and c) why that would stop avast connecting. There are times when we might even suggest disabling a firewall (for a test) and see if avast can connect, so I don’t believe that because a firewall is disabled that would stop avast’s web shield starting or connecting.
However, if at the web shield isn’t running I don’t know if the connections would still be routed through the web shield proxy it would probably not connect.
What is your OS ?
What is your firewall, I suspect the windows firewall but I would like to confirm (as some firewalls if not fully started block outbound connections) ?
I assume that your connection is broadband and I’m wondering if the avast auto update check might also be running at the time, so I will suggest delaying that check, see ~~~ below.
- In avast5 you need to edit (using [b]notepad[/b]) [b]avast5.ini[/b] the [b][InetWD][/b] section of the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\avast5.ini (Windows 2000, Windows XP)
- Broadband connections, add this line:
[b]AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=120[/b] and
[b]AssumeAlwaysConnected=1[/b] if not present (or edit AssumeAlwaysConnected=0 to AssumeAlwaysConnected=1)
When complete save the changes, avast's self-defence module will ask for confirmation, etc. answer Yes.
The figure is seconds and the above equates to two minutes, you could try that and adjust upwards if required, 180, 240, etc.
WIndows firewall
XP Pro SP3 32bit
Broadband connection
Here is a copy of my .ini file
I do not see where to add the lines:
This doesn’t seem complete, there are two other sections before the Chest section, [iAVS] and] [InetWD] sections.
I don’t know if the iAVS section is a throw back to my having updated from avast 4.8 to avast 5.0 and not a clean install.
Try this to see if it will generate the [InetWD] section - From the avastUI, Settings, Updates, Update Parameters section and select only the ‘My computer is permanently connected to the internet’ option if you use broadband, uncheck the 'I only connect to the internet using dial up modem if it is selected.
That should hopefully create the [InetWD] section and you can modify it.
Thank you for all of the time you have spent troubleshooting
I did what you instructed and I now have the section[InetWD]
Here’s what my.ini file looks like now. But still having the same problem
Still having the same problem DavidR
Takes about 2 minutes for Avast to loose the warning symbol on the task bar allowing me access to the Intrnet. Until that happens the mail and web shields are still off line
Presumably you are still getting the firewall is off warning ?
If so and even if not, I feel you should get another firewall, as the XP one doesn’t provide any outbound protection so to my mind it has no right to call itself a firewall.
Whilst the windows XP firewall is usually good at keeping your ports stealthed (hidden) it provides no outbound protection and you should consider a third party firewall.
Any malware that manages to get past your defences will have free reign to connect to the internet to either download more of the same, pass your personal data (sensitive or otherwise, user names, passwords, keylogger retrieved data, etc.) or open a backdoor to your computer, so outbound protection is essential.
Many forum users are using these:
PC Tools Firewall seems to have the least user headaches as it doesn’t seem to be constantly asking the user questions about this and that.
Online Armor for the most parts fine but it has caused some users grief after avast program updates and that is something you have to watch out for.