So I Updated (because I’ve got a message) my old avast antivirus (bleu coulour) for the new one (orange)
Unfortunately my windows live mail can’t connect anymore (except when I turn my shields off)
The old avast never gave any problems before (I use win 7)
this is the error that I get for windows live mail (and like i said it works when turning avast shields off)
Voor het account Pandora (NAME) kunnen geen berichten verzonden of ontvangen worden. De e-mailserver heeft een fout geretourneerd.
Serverfout: 0x800CCC90
Reactie van server: -ERR Cannot connect to POP server (, connect error 10060
Server: ‘’
Windows Live Mail-fout-id: 0x800CCC90
Protocol: POP3
Poort: 110
Beveiligd(SSL): Nee
So this means that I always have to put my avast shields off to be able to receive my mails.
I don’t use any firewall (except for the one that’s maybe integrated in win7)
So for all clients of TELENET who update the old version
open avast
click on real time shields
click on mail shield
click on expert settings
click on ssl accounts
change gate to 110 and no encryption…
it worked for me
bovenstaande uitleg is voor telenet klanten die net de nieuwe avast hebben geinstaller en via windows live mail geen mails meer kunnen ontvangen…
Great news!
Some of the mods will probably ask you to ad [RESOLVED] at the beginning of the topic so that everyone knows, it will also serve for others to find a solution to the same problem.