What’s the coorect procedure to follow to download & install Avast 5.0 free when you already have Avast 4.8 free installed and running?
Do you first uninstall 4.8 from control panel, do you disable 4.8 during the download, do I download the file to my desktop first and then install, or is there another procedure to follow, thanks
I suggest an installation from scratch:
- Download the latest version of avast! Uninstall Utility and save it.
- Download the latest avast! version and save it.
- Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
- Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1. If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after you’ve run it.
- Install avast! using the setup saved on 2. Boot.
- Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro.
- Check and post the results.
6. Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro.On-line registration is very simple and it's the preferred method for all users of avast Free Antivirus 5.0 installed on a computer with standard Internet connectivity. To perform on-line registration follow these steps: http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=459
I downloaded 34.3 MB of a 52 MB download of the Avast 5.0 “setup_av_free”, onto my Desktop before the dialup connection with Netzero broke off. Is there any way I can resume the download to completion or do I have to start the whole 5 hour process again? I tried to resume but was asked if I want to replace the existing (incomplete) setup. I think that would wipe out what I have already downloaded to this point. Thanks I await your comments.
What other option was there other than replace the original (which I too believe would wipe), if it is only No, then my guess is that it would be most likely it would rename the next download to setup_av_free(2).exe or something like that and it would start afresh and not use the failed/incomplete download.
I doubt you can start from where the download terminated, but as a dial-up user I would have thought you would be using a download manager so that you could resume a dropped connection.
I stopped using download mananger(s)/accelerators because they did not speed up. I already tried renaming the download, however that just starts the download from its beginning, not utilizing what I already have on my Desktop. Any other way to resume download from where I left off? Otherwise can you suggest a download manager that would speed the download on 56k connection?
The idea of a download manager isn’t to speed things up, for the most part they do what it says on the tin, ‘manage downloads’ allowing you to resume a download after a dropped connection without having to start from scratch. This is something that I couldn’t be without as yet another dial-up user.
Some browsers are meant to be able to resume downloads, I think firefox is meant to be able to do it, but I prefer the firefox add-on Download Them All.
Do you prefer Firefox over IE and why?
Too off-topic and long really for this topic. Plus as soon as you start talking firefox Vs IE, watch the topic break out into a slug fest.
I installed the 5.0 vesion of Avast Free. I didn’t see the procedure for finding the license key to register. Can you tell me how to do this please?
If you installed avast 5 on top of avast 4.8 it will read the license from avast 4.8 during the removal/install
if there was time left on the 4.8 register
if this is a clean install i have already posted how to register in my reply #2
I removed 4.8 from control panel before the 5.0 install so i don’t have the license info
then read my reply #2…check the link i gave …
Can you recommend any settings changes with the 5.0? I noticed something to the effect of “Maximize your Protection” when i double clicked the icon. Any other settings changes?
I noticed something to the effect of "Maximize your Protection"wasn`t that a small ad for buying/upgrading to avast pro or avast internet security....
use default settings…
in top right corner there is a user guide, read it (help senter)
or if your short on money you could get good protection with free programs that will complement avast good like malwarebytes and a firewall like outpost, pc tools.
I know with my dial up connection I cannot possibly download the free 5.0 version.
52 some MB and would take 14+ hours to do so.
Guess I’ll have to switch to AVG now.
And what makes you think that AVG installation is smaller?
As igor says, AVG is actually a bigger install file…
The smaller one is (I presume) a stub installer that downloads more from the web…
Maybe you could get someone to download it for you from somewhere with a stronger connection, or a library for instance
As has been said even the avast installation file is comparative at the least and smaller than many other AV installation files. AVG 9 installation file is almost twice the size of avast5 free multi-language version and over twice the size of the avast5 free English version installation file, see image.
This link (see below) it to the English language (only) version and not the multi-language installation version and weighs in at around 42MB, still a long haul on dial-up, but not as bad as some.
http://files.avast.com/iavs5x/setup_av_free_eng.exe (English only)
Have you tried using a download manager, at the very least you can resume where you left off it needs be. Have you got a friend with broadband that can download it and burn to CD or USB. Have you got a local library or other public service with broadband, etc. and download it from there.
I have only very recently got broadband (very slow 256Kbps) 9 days ago and before that I got on with avast on dial-up for over six and a half years. That was when I abandoned AVG and I haven’t looked back,