I don’t want to upgrade from 4.8 to 5.0 for the time being but I keep getting the pop up window describing all the benefits of 5.0.
How do I stop the popup for the new 5.0 without upgrading?
I don’t want to upgrade from 4.8 to 5.0 for the time being but I keep getting the pop up window describing all the benefits of 5.0.
How do I stop the popup for the new 5.0 without upgrading?
I dont think you can stop the notification as it’s informing you to update because the support for 4.8 will be ending soon. Why don’t you just update it, it’s lighter,faster and more secure than 4.8 and it still has a free version or pro or suite.
I want to wait a while longer. Too many problems still occurring for users.
Haven’t got time this month to mess around trying to fix things if something goes wrong.
If I can’t stop these popups then I will disable it and use Microsoft Security Essentials, which gets great reviews for a free AV, until 5.0 is established enough that all bugs are worked out.
I too can’t understand the reluctance to update to avast 5.0 unless your OS isn’t supported (win9.x, winME) ? Avast 5.0 has been out for almost 9 months now and as has been mentioned support for avast 4,8 is likely to cease at the end of this year, the clock is ticking.
That is why avast are trying to get people to move before support ceases and they have a flood trying to update at the program all in a very short time, which would put a heavy load on the update/download servers.
You are looking at a support forum where you generally only see people with problems, that is the nature of a support forum. However, with over 130 million avast users and the majority of them on avast 5.0 who aren’t swamping the forums reporting problems.
Only a very small percentage of people have problems with avast out of the million’s that use it an the people here on the forum’s are very fast at solving any problem’s if you did have any, you only have to read the mse forum’s to see that there are even more problems over there ie resorce hogging,system slow down’s, lack of update’s and if i do say so the detection rate’s are pretty poor and i know this because i have tried version 1.0 and the 2.0 beta and came staight back to avast.
See replies #40, #41 of:
And your point is ?
That doesn’t negate what has been said about a very small minority having a problem and that the only people that come here are those who have experienced a problem.
Thinking in this way we would still be driving round in model T fords unwilling to step forward.
The point is that he asked a straight question. I gave a straight answer. That’s all that was required.
He already had answers, and can browse the forums.
Yes people have problems but they are a tiny minority and as you would expect in a support forum for an AV with 130 million users. The key word ‘if’ something should go wrong, but I appreciate in the extremely unlikely event he does experience a problem he hasn’t got time.
And from his threat at the end of his question appears to have made his mind up not to bother. So I hope he has time to play with WSE as he will find that the reviews don’t tell the whole story, avast5 has some very goo reviews also.
He obviously didn’t have this answer, or he wouldn’t have asked. That’s why I supplied it to him. If he has already switched to MSE then good luck to him.
Whilst it is a rather moot point, but he received answers after his last post and there has been no response. So we really are achieving very little if he doesn’t respond.
Haven’t had time to follow the thread or comment. Thanks for input everyone.
Installed 5.0 figuring if it didn’t work and gave problems I would simply remove and move on to try MSE. So far the only problem I have noticed is a slow down in my page loads. Before they were instant now there is a slight lag. Not enough difference to make me want to switch as long as it doesn’t get worse.
I don’t like the voice and I seem to recall that could be cancelled on previous versions. I haven’t had time to go into preferences and look for something to change
Not sure whether there is some setting that will bring my page loads back to almost instant but if someone knows something post it as well as the voice cancel at least for the IAVS update.
It’s easy to disable avast sounds by following the progression below.
Open avast GUI > click on the Maintenance tab on the left > click on Settings near the top right > click on Sounds on the left of the Avast Settings window > click the check box for Enable Avast Sounds to unselect sounds
A couple of reboot’s and a defrag should help. You can turn sounds off in setting’s/ sound’s.