Avast 5.0

I have recently upgraded to avast 5.0 and can no longer access Skype. The error message states: Exception EAccess violation in module Skype.exe. Is there anyway of repairing this problem? My preliminary investigations indicate that it may not be related to firewall exceptions/application rules. ???

What version of Avast 5 are you using, is it the Internet Security?
What OS you run?
Have you tried reinstalling skype?

More info could help troubleshoot your problem.


The version is:5.0.677 avast Internet security. I run windows XP. The avast free version did not cause a problem but the upgrade has. I have reinstalled a number of times but without success.

If the firewall is in automatic then there should be no firewall problem since it would probably create all the necessary rules for skype.
Are you running it on the sandbox? I hear Skype doesn’t get along with it…


Thanks for your help Martin. I checked the sandbox and Skype is not listed in the virtualised process. I have lodged an enquiry with skype. In their generic help FAQ, this application error message and the problem they say was fixed in the latest version. It is however that version that seems to have caused the problem. It may not be Avast after all. ::slight_smile:

Glad to help. Sorry I can’t do more but I never used Skype and really wouldn’t know where to begin looking for problems with it.
