Have finally determined that Avast 5.1 upon loading at startup of XP triggers the auto dialer and my pc dials out. Have manual updates checked by can’t stop Avast from dialing up whenever i boot up my PC. Do not want to disable auto dial, just want to prevent AVAST from accessing it.
Got the following from process explorer command line info for rasautou.exe:
Are you opening the avastUI on startup (by default it shouldn’t open) that would trigger the check for avast iNews and also populate the ad to maximize your protection in the Summary section of the UI.
I don’t know why you feel the need to set updates to manual as in doing so there should be no check for updates anyway. So it is more likely to be the above, but even then I still wouldn’t allow autodial, when you start your browser it would give the dial-up window for you to establish the connection.
You didn’t answer the question on:
If this didn’t happen on avast 5.0 ?
I would have thought it shouldn’t have changed on 5.1.
Nope not opening the UI. As XP loads the icon shows up on the tray and dialing starts.
2.Have it set to manual, because i do not want Avast checking for me.
Perhaps i didn’t explain myself on the auto dial. Opera will not dial up for me. Have to manually start the connection. So i have an Opera work around whereby when i open Opera it will dial the connection for me.
It didn’t happen on 5.0…Didn’t happen when i upgraded to 5.1 It has only started the the last few weeks…i have a suspicion it was program update that has started the problem.
Think that i will uncheck the dialup modem box, and check my computer is always connected to the internet and see what happens. And see what happens tomorrow…
Checking permanently connected didn’t work unfortunately. Still dialing out…there must be some workaround to prevent it from dialing out until an explanation is found. Appreciate your suggestions…thanks
The Avast Settings, under Updates | Update Parameters “I only connect to the internet using a dial up modem” in Avast settings wouldn’t affect windows dialing out when trying to connect with Opera or other programs.