Avast 5.1 when will it be released?

I’m hearing talk about avast 5.1 when is it due to come out?

This summer, according to Vlk (from the blog)


Um…when is the summer here it is approaching to winter right now…

I always knew you were some sort of alien, welcome to earth, friend :slight_smile:

edit: thanks for the pic, my neighbors can’t wait to meet you :wink:


Bad luck for those aliens who are walking upside down in the southern hemisphere. ;D

Lolz I guess it is will be the summer Czech Republic right O.O?

so now wats the weather in czech republic? winter,spring,summer,autumn. i do not noe much cos me from the equator. malaysia

Yes, since it was Vlk that answered the question :slight_smile:



Summer in Europe July (hopefully.

The end of April was nice and warm in the UK, certainly where I live central heating off; then bang all this week has been fairly cold temps below zero on two nights close to zero on another. There was me thinking this global warming is nice warm weather in April. Hopefully Summer will be warm and last more than a week ;D

So Summer is perhaps not a good term to use for a global product, so a best guess would be July/August and fingers crossed.

One thing for sure you will hear about it on the forums first (beta release, etc.), a little before any planned release.

Oh I have an idea when it will be now :slight_smile:

Thank you for the information DavidR :slight_smile:

You’re welcome, that however is my best guess, which could be wide of the mark. A lot depends on how much of a problem any of the functions planned for it are, such as the boot-time to be available for 64bit versions of XP, Vista and win7.

I could never understand why the people on North Hemisphere uses the seasons to talk to whole world.
Here, is the opposite of the North: when you have summer, we’re in winter… and so on.
Why don’t you speak on monthly basis?

Sorry guys. The current plan is late August / early September, but as always, this is just a plain - not an official release date. Take with a grain of salt.


Actually here in Canada we have 2 seasons with one being Winter and the other known as Construction.

When avast! V5.1 is finished then it will be released for us all to enjoy.

What changes are being implemented ???

So…ermm…that means january 2011… ;D

im fast starting to dislike avast. used to be good… now its asif they just sitting around doing nothing bleh

avast in a corporate setting sucks… we have a bunch of pc’s with windows 7 64bit… some of them got infected… avast couldnt sort out the issue cause it was in memory or something… boot scan woulda fixed it np… but instead… no boot scan… joy…

avast definately needs to get 5.1 out sooner than august… it cant clear a system without the boot scan… then they dont include it… joy

Sooner is not always better. Pointless to rush a release if it could cause more bug problems than it fixes. :wink:

Well when avast 5.1 does introduce the boot-time scan for 64bit OSes I believe it will be the only one that has it. avast was the first to introduce the boot-time scan in 32bit OSes (not win9.x or winME). So I don’t know what you will move to that has boot-time scanning in a 64bit OS.

And here we have just Spring and Summer. :wink: