Avast! 5 - a X'mas gift?

Obviously, avast! 5 is still on beta versions. It seems to me that the final version of avast! 5 has been unknown and is awaiting. Hopefully, avast! 5 will soon be given as a X’mas gift to all users.

A. Chung

Hello, did you see the recent blog post?

I know that many of our users have been asking this question for quite a while. We can now give the answer—after the holidays and very early in 2010. We will announce the specific date shortly before the actual release...


Hi A Chung,

Obviusly this launching will become new year gift too for 2010.

Yes, that’s a gift well worth waiting for :slight_smile:

after the holidays

Hi I am Asians, may I know when is the period of the European/America holidays refer to ? :slight_smile:

Dear All

Thank you for keeping me updated of the latest status.

Admittedly, a long waiting time, i.e. from October till now, does make me feel a bit impatient.

A. Chung

Yes, but it could be worse, it could be released in july 2011… :wink:

So…being positive makes the waiting a lot easier! :slight_smile: