here is how to enable the service manually:
go to start menu > run > type “services.msc” and click ok > click on the “AvastSvc.exe” service and click either “start” or “restart” see if this helps
no when something like that happens attempting to restart the service manually is pointless because the issue is just this: services refusing to start. Only way out is to uninstall/reinstall (repair won’t work either).
Many software utilities do a very bad job of uninstalling and i have found that they can still be a pain later on. you might want to give this a try
In order to show hidden devices:
Right click My Computer and Select Properties
Click Advanced tab
Click Environment Variables
Below the bottom Environment Variables window pane (System Variables), click New
For Variable Name, enter devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices
For Variable Value enter 1
Click OK. OK to close My Computer
Now open Device Manager, click on View, select show hidden devices from the menu. Most of the orphans will be in non-plug and play drivers and the icons will appear grayed out. You can right click the grayed out driver and click uninstall.
If you do not know what the driver is, bing it prior to deletion so you understand what you are deleting.
Note: I have also found that some old deleted programs leave behind drivers that are still active (not grayed out). The best solution is to disable them, re-boot and then go back and delete them.
This may work with Vista and W7, however, I have not tested it.
this was designed for XP
I'm having the same problem as [url=]marquita188[/url] except [b]I'm using XP sp3 32bit[/b].
XP sp3: Immunet Protect | OpenDNS | Opera | WinPatrol PLUS | Zemana | ZoneAlarm Pro
Because avast! 5 wont run I have in stalled Immunet Protect till it's fixed.
this variable is different, as this variable shows what drivers are not being used, and drivers that haven’t been uninstalled by other programs. it displays unused drivers by making them appear grayed out. and drivers that are being used appear normally.
could you guys read my previous post more carefully as it may make a big difference to the problems you guys are experiencing.
could you guys read my previous post more carefully
oh are you our expected saver ??? >>> on a side note, careful advising newbies to play with drivers and hidden stuff.
edit: and there’s a faster way by the way: cmd as admin and
set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
edit: hmm…funny, nothing grayed out here and nothing irrelevant either, all uninstalled stuff was…hmm…uninstalled ;D
Note that when you close the command prompt window, Window clears the devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1 variable that you set in step 2 and prevents ghosted devices from being displayed when you click Show hidden devices
another huge issue I’m mentioned twice at least is that when you uninstall the firewall (no problem so far), and reinstall it later whatever the reason is, it won’t start anymore ;D (the fw service isn’t even listed anymore) rebooting is useless, repairing is useless, only solution is to uninstall/reinstall.
I have done some research and ‘XP PS3’ and ‘Avast 5 free’ do not see to be happy bed fellows, this ‘no start up on booting up’ seems
all too common, I have used Avast for many years but if it is not fixed soon I will reluctantly have to switch to AVG.
Computers are a bit of a hobby for me this is not something that can be fixed by the user.
You claim that you have been using avast! many users and still dont know how different and better when compared to other AVs? I bet you will repent if you really know how avast! is different. Well, I know its completely up to you to switch or not switch. But, guys @ alwil need some time I guess. Even I had the same problem, so I have switched back to version 4 until the issue is fixed.