As the title says, Avast 5 is not honoring the update time interval as specified by me in the configuration, it’s still checking for updates every 3 hours or there abouts.
Interval = 1440 minutes.
There’s needs to set a time to schedule for an update check just like there’s a means to schedule a scan.
That’s true for the free version. (You can lower that in the paid ones.)
Nevertheless, I don’t know if there’s any kind of maximum boundary for that, but it seems there is…
Guys, the OP wants the interval to be longer, not shorter…The desired time is 1440 mins (24 hours) and according to the OP avast! is ignoring this and still updating around every three (probably 4, given the default 240) hours…
Double post is when you make two posts, duplicity is the word you’re looking for when two posters post a similar post within a minute or so of each other.
But yes, not that it bothers me much, except for the fact that when I first connect to the internet, Avast immediate launches the update check, never mind if it was only 2 minutes ago I restarted the computer right after Avast had done an update check. I know as the operators of a nice big server with a Tn’th connection they’re not concerned about bandwidth, but I am because while I am concerned about being up-to-date, not at the expense of bogging me momentarily every couple of hours. Anti-virus and other forms of internet protection should operate unobtrusively, the bogging is something of an annoyance. Seeing as my machine is left on overnight, it would be nice to schedule it for times when I’m not at the keyboard.
I have exactly the same problem - the same 1440 too! It’s also very annoying that it updates on every boot. I do video recording and I don’t want any unexpected activity. To get round the issue I put updates on manual. I wrote a macro (with one of the many simple macro programs around) to update at a particular time of day. Unfortunately not very helpful for you. Most of the time I let Avast update automatically (bearing no relationship to 1440!) but switch to manual/macro as needed.
I understand what you are suggesting, but as a temporary measure to get around this, you can also do the following:
To avoid the “automatic” update and run it when you want, change your settings:
Open the Avast GUI > Settings > Updates > Engine and Virus Definitions > Change from “Automatic” to “Ask When an Update is Available” or “Manual Update.” You will then force an update: Maintenance > click Update Engine and Virus Definitions at the time that is convenient for you.
You can also make your suggestion to the Avast devs. in the “Wishlist” for future releases located here on the forum.
When you restart your system, avast will have also reset any counter for update interval, why it isn’t honouring an extended time interval I don’t know. I guess there could be an upper limit to the figure as there is a lower limit, as setting it out to a day you might as well set it to manual.
The way the auto update works by default is it will check for updates when you first connect to the internet and then every 4 hours after that. So if you have a broadband/cable connection that is always on, ready very early in the boot-up avast well do its first check 30sec after it detects the presence of the connection .
If your system is a bit of a slow booter then the update check could happen whilst other programs in the startup are loading, you can delay that update check.
In avast5 you need to edit (using notepad) avast5.ini the [InetWD] section of the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\avast5.ini (XP file location). Location for Vista, win7, C:\ProgramData\Alwil Software\Avast5\avast5.ini.
Broadband connections, add this line: AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=120 and AssumeAlwaysConnected=1 if not present (or edit AssumeAlwaysConnected=0 to AssumeAlwaysConnected=1)
When complete save the changes, avast's self-defence module will ask for confirmation, etc. answer Yes.
The figure is seconds and the above equates to two minutes, you could try that and adjust upwards if required, 180, 240, 300, 600, etc.
The above has nothing to do with the Update Interval mentioned in this topic, which is set in the avastUI
The avast virus definitions & engines, auto update is an incremental and CPU% restricted update so it a) shouldn’t be large (KB rather than MB) and b) the CPU restriction should mean it doesn’t cripple the system during normal use. It is however going to use RAM also so if you are short on RAM that could have an impact.