I have a computer running Windows 2000 SP4. I had been running Avira Free AV on it without issues. I decided to try Avast 5 on it and once installed it will not connect to the server to get definition updates. I have the Ashampoo Firewall which I disabled. I tried re-installing the Avast and that did not help. I still get the cannot connect to server error when trying to update the definitions. Is this newer version not compatible with Windows 2000? I was going to try an older program version but thought I’d check here before doing so.
Win XP SP3, through a Linksys router and Ashampoo Firewall.
Yes, all mentioned executables have full access to the web, went through the steps mentioned above. Avast is not able to update itself, but if I choose “update” option from the uninstaller, it works. This is the only way.
I just don’t get it…
I had to find and install older 4.8, The new one was tried over and over and 5.0 did not work at all! See my post! Funny ?? I am sure these guys will find it. I run nothing except xp pro linksys router No Firewall. been the same until the 5.0 was installed! Mk
I’m not having a problem, but offering suggestions to saxman to try and get round a problem. Unfortunately he hasn’t been back.
What happens if you reverse the process, uninstall ashampoo, reboot install avast, reboot and then install ashampoo.
Personally I haven’t much confidence about the ashampoo range of products and no very little about their firewall. So if it has a learning mode I suggest putting it into learning mode and do an avast manual update and see if that helps it stick.
Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
What other security based software do you have installed ?
Hi guys. Does anybody found a solution? I updated my avast yesterday and I have the same problem. Version 4.8 always worked fine but version 5.0 doesn’t get any update.
I have a glorious Windows 2000 Professional with Ashampoo firewall installed. All internet tools works fine (firefox, email, skype, emuIe, etc. etc.) except avast update. I tryed to turn off Ashampoo but the avast update still doesn’t work. I tryed all 3 options of the avast proxy configuration (direct connection, auto detect and specify a (free) proxy) but it still doesn’t works. Is there some hero who fixed this issue? Thanks!
My avast was originally installed in italian so I tryed to add the english language. The download of the new components worked fine and now the product is in english language. But the virus definition update still doesn’t work.
But the virus definitions update process still doesn’t work. The only update that seems to work is the one that is available from the uninstall process, but unfortunately it doesn’t update the virus definitions database.
All I can suggest is try not restricting avast.setup to port 80, whilst it uses port 80 for the transmission of the actual update, I don’t know if there is any communication to the download servers on another port.
Where are you starting that update from as the update process is usually carried out/displayed in the UI ?
The update process that works, starts from control panel / add or remove programs / avast free / change-remove, but as I said before, it doesn’t update the virus definitions database. This seems to be the “avast.setup” process. I granted the access to all ports but the behaviour is still the same.
The update process that doesn’t work, it starts from the standard user interface. This seems to be the “AvastUI.exe” process and I always granted the access to all ports.
I’m afraid we’re facing an incompatibility problem between Ashampoo Firewall and Avast 5.0… What makes me angry is that with version 4.8 I never had any problem.
Well that sounds more like a permissions issue as the avast.setup is the process that carries out the update and if your firewall was blocking it then it would block it from whatever location you ran it from.
The fact that it works from the add/remove, Update Components but not from the avastUI I think is because that has a higher permissions level and the avastUI on is a user based level. However the avast5 update from the UI is meant to elevate the permissions for the update. So I’m not sure what to do about this
The avastUI.exe doesn’t actually need access for the updates to occur, that just starts the process of calling ashUpdSvc.exe which in turn creates and runs the avast.setup.