avast 5 Exclusions Problem


I recently upgraded by version of Avast 4 to Avast 5 and have noticed the following: When my scheduled task runs each week to scan all hard drives the Report log lists thousands of files and gives the message " [E] File was skipped because of scanner settings. (42016)"

Now, these look like some of the exclusions I had in Avast 4 but I have looked in my Avast 5 setup and all the exclusion lists are empty so I cannot work out why the files are being excluded.

Is there any way of removing these exclusions as I feel my scan is currently not very comprehensive.

(I am running Windows XP service Pack 3)



The message doesn’t correspond to excluded areas (that would be code 42019: Skipped due to exclusions settings).
This message means that in the scan configuration, you don’t have the “Scan all files” option checked, yet you have the “Skipped items” checked on the Report file / Reported items.

Excellent! Thanks for the quick reply. I have now updated my scan to include all files and will check the results next time it runs.

Once again, many thanks for your help.
