I faced a number of times a strange effect:
When the computer boots up, Avast sometimes start with a red cross first, then becoming a yellow triangle and then being fully available (by the way: if I give the system some time when the login screen pops up before netering the system, then avast starts always directlywith the rotating ball). So far, so good; this happens apparently sometimes during startup, when several programs and services try to start more or less in parallel.
Now; when avast is in the “red cross” status and Zonealarm starts exactly at this time in parallel, my Windows security center tells me, that Zonealarm is inactive… which it clearly isn’t.
I did several tests and trials, so before somebody suggests the following let me tell you what I did already:
- uninstall (with tool) avast, reinstall
- re-install Zonealarm es well
- tried to start Avast services after all other system services
- cleaned the databasw of the windows security center (under windows/system32/wbwm/repository
- deleted old prefetch files
The effect somes and goes, maybe every 10…20th system start, and expecially after activities like defragmentation (a faster system does not seem to help, in the contrary).
I did not recognise such a thing on avast 4.8
Looks like some race conditions between services starting up. By the way: I also recognised once that the windows security center itself stated not to be active. When looking into the lists of services it ist stated “started”… so something similar like with Zonealarm itself.
It’s not a big problem, by shortly ending Zonealarm and restarting after all is ok again - but still some nuisance.
XP, SP3, all updates included…