Avast 5 Free Edition System Requirements?

I’m currently running 4.8 free on my very outdated laptop and was wondering if there were any system requirements that I should be aware of.

AMD Duron @ 1.1 GHz

352 MB of RAM

I also saw were people are having problems with version 5, so I’m wondering if I should just stick with 4.8 for the time being… :stuck_out_tongue:

Processor Pentium 3, 128 MB RAM, 100 MB of free hard disk space
Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64 bit)


Thanks, good to know that older computers can have protection too. :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. the resources for 5.0 are if anything less than 4.8, crucially you don’t mention what OS is running on this “very outdated laptop” ?

  2. this is a support forum and guess what the people that have problems come here, but those without problems don’t arrive in their thousands to say they have no problems. That is the nature of a support forum.

The OS is XP SP2, I forgot to mention that.

If it takes up less resources than 4.8, then I will try my luck and go to version 5.

Your Welcome.

I’ve uninstalled 4.8 and used the removal tool to completely rid my computer of the last traces. I’m now installing version 5 and I will let you know in this thread how it’s working for me.

Should upgrade to xp sp3 if possible as well.

So far, so good, but I prefer the old voice over that 4.8 had for alerts. The new voice over sucks, in my opinion.

As for updating to SP3 for XP, my computer is running fine with no issues with SP2, so I don’t really feel the need to update.

There is a thread somewhere around here where they had alternate voices available. I haven’t seen it in a while though, you’ll have to search around if you’re interested. I agree with you though, but I just disable the sounds.

As for SP3, suit yourself.

Whilst it might be running fine it is more vulnerable to attack as a number of security improvements are included in SP3, not to mention vulnerabilities closed.

Be prepared come July this year (I believe) for the end of MS extended support for XP SP2, only XP Sp3 will continue to get support in the form of security updates.