Avast 5 Or Avast 4?

There Is Avast 5. And Avast 4.

  1. Are They The Same Detection Rates?
    2 Which One Has Better Protection?
    3 Which One Has More Features?

                   :( I Need Help To Choose!

2.avast 5 is better on the newer malware that need`s newer detection tecnology
3. avast 5 ( support will end for avast 4.8 this year )

Which is your operational system?
If you can, always avast 5 will be better than 4.


wait I dont get it

someone thinks avast 5 can be worse than avast 4? I haven’t seen latest version of anything which is worse than previous version yet…

WindowsME and Windows Vista come to mind ;D

for WinME yes, but for Vista not really no ::slight_smile:

There are many XP users that would give you an argument on if vista was better than XP ;D
After how many years of release, Vista (gold) just never flew (excuse the pun) even after 2 SPs is it what many hoped for on the gold release. After only 1 year Win7 has overtaken Vista’s total market share, but that still pales when compared with the 61% share that XP has.

Me I avoided Vista and so far win7 also, as my system isn’t ready for an update, by then perhaps I will be looking at win8 ;D

we’re getting off topic here but okay, Vista ran perfectly on my computer…I never gave a damn about what the XP herds were saying, as it had nothing to do with what I was seeing. Not mentioning that thousands of Vista bashers never tried Vista, they were just following a trend, stupidly repeating what they heard ::slight_smile:
Others were complaining about driver issues, memory issues…I was running Vista on a late 2002 computer, just had to upgrade it from 512 MB to 1GB of RAM and it just flew, graphics, sound, network, everything was working perfectly.
…oh on a side note, “Seven” is “Vista”…call it a service pack 3 or second edition, improved and optimized, but it’s Vista :wink:

ah yeah DavidR you are right about vista - I switched from it to XP after using it for a while

…yeah, XP is sooooooooooooooo… coooooooooooooooooooooooool :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: heard they were extending support until 2050, too bad some might not live long enough to benefit from the “full XP’rience” ::slight_smile:

Well, if they really would support XP until 2050, it would probably be the first halfway secure windows OS out there, as even MS should be able to fix all bugs in that period of time… ;D

halfway secure

halfway secure? windows? no way as long as its the most popular OS

It was just a joke, anyway… ::slight_smile:

Not a bad topic for my comeback^^

BTW avast! 5 is way better than avast! 4


Avast 5 Is Better 8)
Well I think.
Pros 4.8
Has The Scary Alarm ;D

Cons 4.8
Slows Down Internet Speed >:(

Pros 5
Has More Features ::slight_smile:
Better Database :smiley:
Looks Better ;D
You Don’t Have To Restart Sometimes :slight_smile:

Cons 5
Slows Down Internet Speed
No Scary Alarm.

In Overall. Avast 5 is better.
There Are Better Antiviruses.
That’s Why I Try To Improve Avast!

  1. It does not…!!!
  2. Has very ‘scary’ alarms…!!

oh yeah, the avast4 siren ;D

Another positive for Avast 5 is it’s GUI, which is much better than 4 IMO. And I agree with that scary 4.0 siren!!!

I have Avast 5 on both Windows 7 machines and it works great. On one I installed it new, and on the other I updated from 4.8. I never updated from 4.8 on my XP desktop because of the problems that I had read about on this forum. Have all the problems been fixed? I would really like to put it on this machine too.