I recently make a thread here regarding Avast 5 Pro! Floppy seek problem, when ever I open My Computer/Windows explorer or Skype, the floppy drive would seek.
By the end, every one was out of idea’s as ProcMon reported no signs of anything accessing A:.
Now though, after trying again, I have found out that Skype leaves a trail in ProcMon accessing the A:\ drive.
Attached is the log file showing skype being opened (twice) and what is says to the A:\ drive. If anyone could help this would be really helpful! Also, i had to chuck it into a note pad doc so i could upload it!
Thanx Asyn, but I have already gone through the threads a countless number of times - even starting my own. And did not get any answers that corrected the problem.
Also, I am already running the latest version of Avast!
You’re welcome.! Sorry I can’t really give good advice here…
If the other threads didn’t help you, this should be answered by the devs, I guess.
Good luck and hope it’s solved for you soon,