AVAST 5 Pro License - Installation what a joke, support sucks the big one

I must be the dumbest SOB known to man…
I keep getting this email from support@avast.com which says it has my license file attached to it, but it appears to me that it is inserted right into the email body, with no instructions how to save it or extract it. I have read other people’s posts but none have bothered to put any information as to how they got this resolved. One fella that replied actually suggested that maybe their ISP was blocking the attachment. So I called mine, they told me that the attachment is actually embedded in the email itself just like I have been receiving. This I can tell, I am not the only one having this issue so why the Hell doesn’t Alwil do something like send the attachment as an attachment so it can be saved and used like any other normal attachment. Or better yet actually send some flippin instructions with this useless email, what a load of crap. My next step is to spend the remainder of my licensed period (should I actually figure out how to insert an attachment I don’t have) with avast surfing the web reading reviews about Anti-virus programs to figure out which one I will be switching to as I have seriously had enough of this run-a-round.
Oh yeah and this all started today when suddenly I noticed that the icon on the taskbar had a red X on it. Tried to restart the service but it said it started and stopped again, uninstalled completely, rebooted then tried to install again. Now the license issues again. Not will to uninstall, then install 4.8 again then upgrade to v5, this is what I had to do last time to get the license to take.

I never heard that an attached file could be embedded into the email body… ::slight_smile:
Can you check your email by webmail?

Try http://www.avast.com/resend-license.php to receive a new mail.
If it fails, try sales@avast.com

Post back if you need further help.

Just wondering… Do you really need to install 4.8 & then upgrade to 5? Can’t you just install 5 & insert the license? ??? Did you use the removal tool, by chance? Those are just some thoughts I had…

Here is what I get whether on webmail or incredimail this is the body of the email, both the same. I have removed some numbers to protect my license.


ALWIL Software License File: 20


Thank you for your purchase/trial of ALWIL Software products.

Should you have any questions about this file,

please write to support@avast.com.


Section for avast! keys



License file publisher

IssuedBy=ALWIL Software a.s.

Customer name (license holder)


Customer number


Name of customer company


Number of licensed products (covered by this file)


Section for licensed product 1


Name of product: avast! Network Client


License creation date: Jul 3,


License expiry date:


Update license expiry date: Sep 3, 2010


Number of licensed items


License Identifier


Product type

0 = Standard

1 = Non-profit organization

2 = Government/Healthcare

3 = OEM

4 = Demo

7 = Not for resale


Section for licensed product 2


Name of product: avast! Professional Edition


License creation date: Jul 3, 2009


License expiry date:


Update license expiry date: Sep 3, 2010


Number of licensed items


License Identifier


Product type

0 = Standard

1 = Non-profit organization

2 = Government/Healthcare

3 = OEM

4 = Demo

7 = Not for resale



There is no way to insert the license key from v4.8 into v5. So by upgrading it will pull your license info into v5. v5 uses a license file which is what the above is supposed to be I guess.

It won’t help to save the file as license.avastlic, so there is not the way.
Incredimail could have being messing this.
Was the email kept into the server (as a copy) and can you download the attached file by webmail? Strange it’s being the same (i.e., embedded into the email body…).

I actually asked the techy at my ISP and he said that it is in the body of the email. I did download from both webmail and incredimail. I used the link that was provided above as well as the one in the avast program which send you to the same link. Tried it several times always the same. Perhaps someone at AVAST could send the email but actually use the paperclip to attach the file as I am sure that they must be busting a gut laughing their asses off at us fools by now, surely their stomach must be soar from so much jocularity!!