I always found that its left a few thing behind as well, seems to be the same files whether you use the normal uninstall or the removal tool, there is always the alwil folder in c/program files, alwil or avast folder in program data and a few entries in the software section’s in regedit plus HKEY LOCAL MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node.
I have never seen the alwil software folder left behind on any of the times I have done an uninstall using add remove programs and I have done a few in almost seven years of using avast ;D
The only time I have seen or rather heard of this is in relation to the current beta when installed over the top of avast 5.1 as the new version doesn’t use the Alwil Software or avast5 folders (of avast 5) but Avast Software and Avast folders (of avast 6).
The only registry keys I know of are the Legacy keys that are under the control of windows.
Well every time a new version comes out or a beta that i try there are always the exact same things leftover, and thats on both of my win 7 systems and my old xp, the programdata placement is obviously different for xp.
I also notice these entries left on all the other systems i look after when i do uninstalls of avast so for me i see these entries on every system.
I guess I’m lucky then (which seems to have happened for years) and I have done several clean installs on my win7 netbook as that is the one that currently has the beta on it. My desktop XP Pro still has 5.1 and again I can only go by my own experience, nothing like that in the two years I have had this system.
If I hear Revo for uninstalling security bases software I will scream.
It simply isn’t up to the task, unless you pay for the pro version with the extra functions not to mention some user knowledge of what is installed, where things are located in the program/registry you seek to uninstall,
CCleaner is even worse as it simply doesn’t go to the king of depths to find thingds in registry as it is designed as something they it unlikely to cause damage because of a lack of knowledge on the part of the user.
Don’t scream, David, but in the german avast-forum somebody wrote, that after using REVO the avast-uninstall-tool didn’t find anything else from avast in the registry:
Quote from the german avast-forum:
Tatsache ist: Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen auch Avast 5 Free mit Revo Free bzw gestern mit iobit Uninstaller deinstalliert und danach war CCleaner "arbeitslos" [b]und das Avast Uninstall Tool erkannte von sich aus gar keine Version 5 mehr auf den Systemen auf denen ich das gemacht habe. Nutze ich zur Deinstallation von Avast 5 deren Uninstall Tool bleibt noch ein Verzeichnis übrig in C/Dokumente und Einstellungen/All Users/Anwendungsdaten[/b] und auch CCleaner findet noch Registry Einträge/Reste von Avast 5. [b]Bei Verwendung von Revo Free oder iobit wird einfach auch Avast Free intensiver/gründlicher gelöscht, ich weiß das mittlerweile aus eigener Praxis.[/b]
Ooooh, what a funny comment! :
I told you a time ago, that this is retro and freaky 8) 8) 8)
A lot of young girls like that, you know! ;D
Don’t cry, be cool and enjoy life… :-*
… but if you wish, I change my signature.
What do you like: OS Win8? Win9? Win10?..
I’ll do this, really - but only for you!!!