avast 5 screensaver scan found 4viruses and 2 worms and im having errors with av

:ohey guys im out of options and i cant get rid of these threats. when im reading the screensaver scan report, it wont go to quarentine or delete. on the reporrt where it tells you the results of the actions avast5 tried to do it says " X error: access is denied (5). any one able to help? :cry:

i suggest you do a boot scan with avast as a first option

http://www.techiecorner.com/166/avast-how-to-schedule-boot-time-scan-before-window-start/ for v4.8

http://www.schmahl.net/avastbootscan.php for v 5

if this option is not helping you solve the problem i suggest you scan with malwarebytes antimalware and/or superantispyware and see if any of this can solve it for you.



good luck and write back on your progress or if you need more help.

and welcome to the forum at last.

What is the malware name, the infected file name, where was it found e.g. (malware name, C:\windows\system32\infected-file-name.xxx) ?