Avast 5 slower than Avast 4?

About 2 months ago I upgraded my Avast! version from Avast! 4 to Avast! 5. After about a week, I noticed the start-up times for my computers got lengthier, even on my i7 build. With Avast! 4 I was seeing complete load time in less than a minute and twenty seconds, now it takes nearly 4 minutes. Is anyone else experiencing this same problem and is there anyway to drop that time without using another anti-virus program or reinstalling Avast! 4?


Is your system volume FAT32 or NTFS?


I’m going to make this quick because I keep seeing a back and forth pattern with redundant questions on this site.

i7 920
Hard drives are all SATA 6.0 Gb/s.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
Lots of very fast good stuff.

I’ve tried it on a computer using a fast SSD, and it still takes a few minutes to load, when it shouldn’t. A three year old laptop loads 4.8/9 in less than a minute. This shouldn’t be happening on top of the line equipment. Something is severely flawed here.

Hi SwitchFX, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Did you investigate if it is indeed Avast that is causing it ??? A simple tool to do that is Soluto (still in BETA ) :


Greetz, Red.

Which other security related programs are running…??
My system starts up in 21 secs.

Well, considering the only thing I have installed since then was Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom 3, and those were last week, I really doubt those are the programs causing the problems. I have their auto update disabled, so they don’t start up with Windows.

I don’t need cloud computer based software to tell me something I already know. One morning my computer finishes full load in the time frame I stated, 8 minutes later after an install of the new software after uninstalling the old version and running CCleaner, adds 2+ minutes to my full load time, in addition to the hundreds of people on the Internet making the same claims…

That just tells me this software needs to be fixed. I’ve been using Avast! for years, and I certainly don’t want to jump ship now.

I think you’re confused between system startup and fully loaded Windows. You may reach the desktop in 23 seconds, but I assure you that your computer is not done loading everything with little to no HD activity. I don’t run any other security software; No extra firewall, no malware detection, nada.

As I said, on an SSD, Windows XP, Vista, and 7 will load fully under 20 seconds. But this software added minutes to the time. The same setup I have, fitted with a single SSD, and using the old Avast! version took less than 15 seconds to load fully. This is not normal.

Well, I don’t see any proof that Avast! is causing this. Fact is that Avast! only adds 7 seconds to my boot time. Maybe Vlk can help you :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

I’m not confused at all…! :wink: (That’s the time it takes until I can use my system…!)
But you didn’t answer my question…

Aha, yeah, okay…

And I did answer. I have no other programs running that are security based. I don’t need extra bloatware.

  1. You don’t have to believe me… I don’t mind and it will not solve your problem… :wink:
  2. Where did you answer that…??
  3. Nevertheless, which AV was prior installed on that system, if any…? Did you get rid of it completely?

Nobody needs.
Which program are you calling bloatware?

I’ve answered it already. Maybe I should bold it for you. And no, I don’t have spyware or malware. I do a weekly check.

Sorry, I missed that. :wink:
Please try the latest PR build.

Well, since you ask, I’m not, on a Win7x64 Home Premium NTFS system. I just timed my boot and it took 35 seconds to Windows Starting screen and another 15 seconds to desktop. Both Avast files were already loaded per Task Manager. So Avast5 AV free is booting for me in just under a minute. Only other realtime on my system is SAS PRO realtime protection and Comodo FW (Sandbox and D+ enabled)

Um HATE to interupt but just throwing this out there,
it might not be avast completely. what does your logs say, because im having problems here and we have the same OS
and just last night I found the the dns has been acting up. actually it maybe there stupid virtual wifi microsoft installed.


just look at any ERRORS in the event logs, they should tell you what holding up. you cant expect someone to fix a problem that may not exsist

oh and if your computer is so old that it cant handle avast then go to settings and Troubleshooting and check “Load Avast! only after loading other system services”
that helped me back in Vista.

Once the computer is fully booted, can you please click the avast taskbar icon (= open avast UI), go to Real-time Shields → File System Shield, and tell us what it says in the “Files scanned” field?


My question was anything but redundant. Certain optimization techniques in avast 5 are not available on FAT32 volumes, which makes it slower, especially at boot-time (I’m talking particularly about the “persistent caching” feature).

It will take few boots before the cache is populated. You can alternatively make full system scan to accelerate that. avast! 5 is clearly much much faster than v4.x ever was. There might be something else going on with your system. Are chipset, AHCI and other drivers properly installed? Any other security program running along? Any specific system utility on your system (either running or just installed)?