Avast 5 User Interface Slow To Open and Change Tabs -Hangs

In general, Avast 5 Free seems fast on my computer; however, double-clicking on the avast icon in the tray takes like 8 seconds to open http://www.geckoandfly.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/avast_5_antivirus_free_freeware_security.jpg I am using the latest version, just used an image from google.

It also takes awhile to switch tabs on left of the UI.

Is there a cause for this?

  1. No need to double-click it…! :wink:
  2. Hmm… A litle more info please…
  3. Usually, yes…! ;D Other security related programs installed…??

Try a repair, after that, hangs must dissapear, it helped me, if not, a reinstall will surely do the trick .


Can you give us your OS,RAM, and what version of Avast Free you currently have installed on your machine? What other security software are you currently and did you previously run on this machine including firewall? This will help us troubleshoot to help you PRIOR to taking any other action. Thank you.

I am not ignoring this thread, I will respond a little later today. Just a busy weekend!

No problem.

No offense - I switched to another antivirus which I feel is better for this computer. Thats all.


No problem…!
Good luck anyway… :wink:

Like most, he’ll try it and be back. :wink: Good luck to you.