Avast 5 Working Great

For the longest time I’ve held off installing Avast 5 on top of 4.8 (which I’ve used for years) due to the negative feedback on the forum. Tonight I took the plunge and installed Avast 5 (free) . So far it’s working great. I’m not experiencing any issues reported.

Just wanted to post something positive about Avast 5 in contrast to the issues that some unfortunate users are having.

Great job Alwil team!

That’s the problem with support forums, it is normally only those with a problem that are posting ;D

mirch not working with avast v5.0 ???

yeah!! avast is running fine in my system too!!

Thanks for the positive post, i’m think that maybe 1% or less of avast users around the world are having problems.

And those problems maybe are from incomplete uninstalations of others antivirus ::slight_smile:

rather 1% of people who use only 1% of the capacity of their computer!

yes! if anyone without any problem would post here, we maybe were in guiness bor with the biggest thread ever… ;D