Avast 6.0.1091 blocks my internet connection

Hello, I occasionaly get this problem with avast and now it’s happening again. First, avast starts to falsly report all kinds of programes as infected when I start them (itunes is the most recent example). After that my internet connection is aborted and the only way to get it back is to turn off/turn on power cable. I assume this is the avast problem, because not such a thing happens with other antiviruses. All described symptoms have appeared tonight again. I have Windoes 7 (32-bit) and I’m connected to the net with a cable modem. Any advice?

Well… Are you talking about autosandboxing or virus alert messages?
Which is the name of the virus and name/path of infected files?
What did you do with the files? Delete or send to Chest?

Which was your antivirus and firewall before using avast?

Sorry, I should’ve been more specific. It’s autosandboxing. I use integrated Windows 7 firewall.
I slected to open them normaly (these were programs such as itunes, last.fm etc.)
I always use avast, but when I get this problem I switch to kaspersky trial.

Well, just to be sure:

Click on the blue MBAM in my signature and download the free version.
Install and run.
Go to the update tab and update MBAM.
Run a quick scan.
A log will appear when scan has finished.
Save the log and the attach it to your next post (use “additional options” in the lower left of the forum post editing window)

Ok, here it is

Your MBAM scan came out clean…good news.

Do you currently have Kaspersky trial on your machine now along with Avast? If so, having 2 AV’s (antivirus software) on your machine will cause conflicts. You will need to run the Kaspersky (KAV/KIS) Uninstaller Tool: http://support.kasperskyamericas.com/knowledge-base-article/1464, then reboot your machine.

After this, since having 2 AV’s most likely corrupted Avast, you will also need to uninstall Avast and do a clean install:

  1. Save a copy of Avast for the product you need and save it to your HDD:
    http://www.avast.com/download-software – all products (Free, Pro, AIS) – 6.0.1091
    or you can try the beta version 6.0.1119:
    Free: http://files.avast.com/files/beta/6.0.1119/setup_av_free.exe
    Pro: http://files.avast.com/files/beta/6.0.1119/setup_av_pro.exe
    AIS: http://files.avast.com/files/beta/6.0.1119/setup_ais.exe
  2. Download the Avast Uninstall Utility http://files.avast.com/files/eng/aswclear6.exe and save it to your HDD.
  3. Disconnect from the Internet at this time.
  4. Go to Control Panel and uninstall Avast through Add/Remove Programs if possible and reboot.
  5. If Step 4 fails, boot into Safe Mode (hit F8 repeatedly) and run the Avast Uninstall Tool.
  6. Reboot.
  7. Install the newest version of Avast and reboot.
  8. Get Internet access and register your copy or add the license key for Free, Pro, or AIS.
  9. Update the Avast definitions.

Let us know if this fixes your problems. Thank you.

I didn’t have 2 AVs, but I reinstalled avast the way you suggested and I haven’t had problems for 3 days now. Thanks!

Glad to hear that your issue is resolved. Let us know if you have any additional questions. Thank you. :slight_smile: