avast! 6.0.1091 crashing Outlook 2007 upon malware detection

I’ve had this happen before, numerous times actually using older versions as well. Outlook simply crashes just as Avast detects the malware either while send/receiving or simply opening/searching for the infected email.
The only way I’ve found to stop Outlook from constantly crashing and re-downloading multiple copies of my emails is to disable the mail shield, delete the infected email and enable back the mail shield.

It just happened again, this time I’ve taken screenshots:





Outlook crash report:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
  Application Name:	OUTLOOK.EXE
  Application Version:	12.0.6550.5003
  Application Timestamp:	4d10fbc4
  Fault Module Name:	unknown
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:	00000000
  Exception Code:	c0000005
  Exception Offset:	39a17713
  OS Version:	6.1.7600.
  Locale ID:	3081

Additional information about the problem:
  LCID:	1033
  Brand:	Office12Crash
  skulcid:	1033

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Is this a well known issue or is it just me?



I confirm that I have also got this problem many times on 6.0.1021 (don’t know about 1091… but didn’t report

Hi “netRAT”,

it seems not to be just you.
A few days ago I ran into exactly the same problem with 6.0.1091 and “Outlook 2007”. The reason was a malicious “pdf-file” attached to a mail.
Never saw that before so I could not tell if it ever happened with other builds.

Sorry I can’t help
I guess we have to wait until some “avast!” people are caring about this specific problem!


Thanks for the replies guys. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone ;D
Really hoping someone is listening…



netRat, could you have a look into the avast log folder

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AVAST Software\Avast\log (Windows XP)
C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log (Windows 7)

See if there are asoutext.log, avoutext.log and possibly any crash dump files (*.dmp, *.mdmp)? Is so zip them up and upload them to our ftp site ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming please

Hi k.u.r.t,

Unfortunately I cannot find any of the files you mentioned.
Would it help if I send you a sample of the malware itself so that you could potentially recreate this in a controlled environment?



It would be nice to send me (sedina@avast.com) a whole message (in msg format), we will try to reproduce it in our test lab. Many thanks and sorry for any inconvenience.

As of May 1, 2011 I have the same problem:

6.0.1092, Outlook 2007 SP2. Attachments are usually “application.zip”. Last few weeks was only one spam source. As of today, 2 more sources are propagating this attachment.

My fix is to go to my ISP’s web-mail and delete the files there before downloading to desktop.

K.U.R.T. & Sedina, do you still need log files? If so, I can provide.


Any update to this topic? Others of us out there are still having the same issue.


Hi, have you tried the latest version of avast! (6.0.1203)? We fixed one issues in Outlook plugin. And probably this one. Please test it. Thanks, Pavel Sedina