Avast 6.0.1125 not allowing internet connection on startup

Hi there,

I wonder if anyone can offer any help please?

My computer is an acer aspire laptop, running windows 7 Home premium service pack 1, 32-bit system. The Avast I have is the free version of 6.0.1125 with virus definitions 110616-0 which is up to date as of time of writing this post.
I have disabled windows firewall, and have no other anti virus programs installed.

The Problem:
When I start up my laptop its starts up as you would expect, but when I try to access the internet it will not connect at all to any web page, the browser opens but I get a continuing message saying connecting, but it never completes. However if I disable avast I can then connect to the internet as normal, I can then enable avast and continue to be connected to the internet.
The same problem occurs when I use Internet explorer, Mozilla firefox, and Google chrome.

It is a bit of a pain having to disable and enable avast each time to be able to connect to the internet, has anyone had this problem before or can offer me any advice please?

What I have tried so far:
I have already described that I have tried disabling the windows firewall which doesn’t help.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled avast and re-registered to avail.
I have tried using Internet explorer, firefox, and google chrome.

Thanks, John :slight_smile:

Don’t disable the windows win7 firewall, by default it doesn’t have outbound protection enabled, so shouldn’t be getting in the way.

You say you haven’t got another AV installed, but did you ever have another AV installed ?
If so what was it and how was it removed ?

What errors are you getting when you try to connect ?

Again disabling avast completely leaves you very vulnerable, since you also have the firewall disabled. Try just disabling the Web Shield as that is the only direct interaction with your internet browsing.

Are you able to connect to HTTPS secure URLs ?
e.g. can you connect to this secure connection to the forums https://forum.avast.com with avast end the web shield enabled ?

This sounds like this thread:


In Avast, go to Settings, Troubleshooting and enable "Load Avast services only after other...".
It never broke mine as well - but there have been quite some complaints about this, always same symptoms: boot PC - no browser web. Stop web shield, start browser, enable web shield: all is fine until next reboot. :o And in all cases the "Start Avast services only after other..." did the trick...


Thanks for your replies and help.

Scott, that has fixed the problem thank you very much.

John :slight_smile:

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

I wonder what exactly it is that is causing it…I am in the same boat as the other forum regulars (i.e. this hasn’t happened to me.)

The only guess I have is there is some specific setup that causes it…