Avast 6 -- 50% CPU usage *per* process when sandboxed.

NOTE: Found a fix at end of this message.


I updated my Avast 5 AIS to version 6 today, and after browsing a bit, I noticed that my CPU was always at 50%.

I check with Process explorer to discover that it was Firefox… and if I watch videos with FF, it goes up to 100% usage (50% for firefox.exe and 50% for plugin_container.exe).
I also tried Chrome and Internet Explorer. Chrome goes up to 50% while IE is always at 100% CPU usage (2 instances of IE always run – don’t know why)
Same thing happens (50% CPU used PER app inside the sandbox) with small apps like CPUz, notepad.exe etc.

If I run any of those programs OUTSIDE the sandbox, they revert back to 1% or so.

So, in short, any app that is started within the sandbox takes 50% cpu usage at a minimum.

How do I fix this?. Is this a common issue at all?



From third message in this thread

turns out that if you set the "show tags" instead of "show borders" in the sandbox expert settings, everything running in the sandbox will take 50% cpu usage. So make sure "show tags" is NOT ticked to run sanbox normally"

Not sure if this is happening for everyone or just me though.

If the problem is on your XP system with the Free (I look to your signature) look here:


Perhaps there is a relationship, I don’t know… ???


SORRY, see just now, your problem is with AIS.!
Your signature has confused me a little bit… :-[

Found out what the ‘bug’ was…

After reinstalling Avast from scratch, and starting FF, it ran properly within the sandbox. (~1% CPU usage).

I then changed my settings to what I usually use, and voila… the bug returns! – turns out that if you set the “show tags” instead of “show borders” in the sandbox expert settings, everything running in the sandbox will take 50% cpu usage.

So hope this helps solve this bug :).

Just curious if anyone else could try it and tell me if they have the same issue or not. Would be much appreciated.



;D @sky, you replied while I was typing hehe…

I’m using Windows 7 64bit. I still have XP but I kept 4.8 on that one (haven’t used it in +12 months I must admit).



OK Rej!
I typed to slow while drinking a coffee… :wink:
Wish you a nice day!
Nice regards

I can’t help as I prefer IE9 64bit.

I’ve had my second cup of coffee. 8)

YoKenny, you’ll become a really friend of mine! :wink: :smiley:

Ahhh, coffee… I always have a very large cup on my desk all day long ^^ ;D

IE9 64bit doesn’t work with the sandbox? I’m asking because I have no problems running IE8 64bit sandoxed here.

Have a great weekend…

… and enjoy the coffee :wink: I know I will




SORRY, see just now, your problem is with AIS.! Your signature has confused me a little bit... Embarrassed

No worries Sky… my signature WAS confusing :P. I just changed it to reflect the changes made recently and make it a bit less confusing.

It doesn’t matter.
I have a sympathy for a little bit confusion. :wink:
Then life is not so boring… ;D

I had the same problem (Win 7 with SP1 update). I uninstalled and started all over and it worked fine. I have no idea what the problem was.

I also had this problem with CPU usage. After changing the setting like you said CPU usage dropped thanks for the help with this bug.

@flanman, sure thing friend… glad it helped someone. :slight_smile:



Good tip! Btw, I assume that “Show Borders” is set as the default in Sandbox Expert Settings? If not, it should be, if this is the workaround for this bug.



Thanks. Yes, “show borders” is the default. I’m guessing that is why most people don’t have the 50% CPU problem if they use the defaults.


Wondering if this has been looked into by the Avast team or not…

Should I send an Email to someone about this bug? or should I just let the message go down the pages knowing someone will eventually read it?

Sorry for the bump. Just want to make sure the team gets wind of the bug so I can re-use the tags instead of the red border or nothing at all ::slight_smile:
