I updated today to Avast 6 and when I go to settings, disable, or silent\gaming I’m asked for a password. I’ve been using Avast for about 2 yrs. and I don’t recall ever setting a password or ever needing one. Has anyone else had this problem? I wish I never hit the button at this point I can’t disable Avast for a download for Open Office that I’m having a problem with error 1606 and I can’t get it to load and I need to disable Avast to allow the download. I’ve about had it. Can anyone help? TY :o
hey, I also just upgraded to avast 6 today and I also have the same problem, I go to settings it’s fine and then about 1 minute later when I want to go on settings it says that he wants a password and I’m sure I didn’t make one xS xS xS
Is there some problem with the new avast? :o
Can some1 help me ???
Sorry guys but you must have set a password and suffered from amnesia afterwards.
Nothing wrong with engaging gaming mode or turning it back off in both the free version and IS.
sorry to disappoint you, you insignificant being
first : why the hell would we lie?? it’s not like we wanted this, ever thought of that (oops sorry, you can’t think!)
second : I’m not the only one with this problem or are you saying that mg67 is also a liar (who clearly isn’t!)
third : if you know everything, why haven’t you got us a solution?? (seems you don’t know anything after all!)
fourth : we clearly don’t have amnesia, you dip****, I think someone would remember if he/she had set a password (maybe you don’t because you don’t have a brain!)
fifth : someone who hasn’t had this problem doesn’t have the right to say bad stuff about us (saying that we’re “spam entries just to get signed up” certainly is bad stuff!)
sixth : didn’t it ever occur to you that we had this problem around the same time, both happened when we updated to avast!6 (talking about someone who didn’t do his homework! (cough pathetic cough cough))
seventh : why the hell am I talking to you?? it’s not like someone as
simpleminded as you could understand me!
well don’t have any hard feelings now, okay ;D (ironical).
A complete avast uninstall/reinstall would solve the problem I guess (possibly also including running aswclear in safe mode - not sure, I’ve never tried)
That kind of attitude doesn’t fly on this forum.
If you still haven’t remembered the password you originally entered,
Follow mag’s advice:
Uninstall- reboot - use the removal tool, reboot again and then reinstall.
After you’ve finished reinstalling, either use a password you can remember or
even better, don’t use that function at all.
Enjoy avast! and have a great day.
you two are so smart ;D
don’t you think it was the first thing I did when it asked for a password?
Of course I uninstalled/reinstalled it five times, and it asked five times for a pasword I didn’t set, so still thinking there isn’t a bug in avast!6?? think again if u can please
fyi why the hell would i use that “function”?? it’s not like I needed a password or anything and even if I set a password, I always use the same ones over and over and none of them matched, do you know what that means ; it means I didn’t set A password!!! u got that?
being falsely accused of people who didn’t even have this problem should really don’t speak!
Thanks for your understanding (ps. why the hell would I want do disable someones avast? I have A life!)
I’ve suggested the only thing I could think of. You have probably alienated the more expert help - so I think you may be destined to live that life with a different AV.
I don’t know if that comment is supposed to be negative or positive but either way I apologise for my behavior ; I was a little hot-tempered because of the things said about us by people who didn’t even have this problem xD
and yeah I’m now using another AV : “AVG Anti-Virus” and seems working fine to me, it’s just a shame that I had this problem because I liked avast ;D
I’ll try reinstalling avast about a couple of months, hoping that it won’t have the same problem for me by then
If there where a problem with avast! itself, this forum should have been flooded with similar post.
If you’ve been able to totally remove avast!, then you should also have been able to re-install
it without a password unless there is something else going on in your computer that we aren’t aware of.
It wasn’t meant to be either. I just asked myself what I would do if my security software had a password that I didn’t know, and I couldn’t get at settings.
As bob says, if you could completely uninstall avast I can’t see why some memory that it wants a password would linger.