Avast! 6 AutoSandBox window bug


I am using Windows 7 SP1 x64 and when i am into the “AutoSandbox” in the Avast! window
then the window does not displaying correct check these screenshots!




DL: 1. [b]http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/1598/avast6bug.png[/b]
DL: 2. [b]http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/5139/avast6bug2.png[/b]

  • Thanks!

anyone help with my problem?

No such issue here. Might be localization-specific (change the GUI language to English or something else than Greek and check for yourself.)

This issue is only in Greek language, in English working good and what now? try download Greek language and see the problem

Well, obviously needs to be fixed by Avast then. So, wait until an update is released. :wink: