Avast 6 can not use it anymore


i have Avast 6 installed when the software tried to install the version 7
Avast has been stopped
i can’t re-start it, i can’t uninstall it, i can’t upgrade it
the only solution was to install another software.
i tried to use aswclear not working
the message is " the avast! self protection module is enabled. for this reason the operation cannot be completed
to complete the operation either run this program from Windows safe mode or disable the avast! self protection blabla"
then my question how i can stop avast, and can i remove it for installing the new version


try the same in safe mode (mode sans échec). As this will disable the self-defense module.

Hello Logos,

My HP laptop don’t want starting in safe mode when i selected it the laptop reboot
When i tried to log another setup 2 or 3 days ago
windows said not possible because avast lock it.
i think when avast 6 try to update to avast 7 there has a bug and now Avast lock it.
then i can’t remove it, update it,disable it

thanks for your answer

have you tried this?



the solution given was not working
maybe the first installation on my computer was avast5 and i have updated to the version6
and now the step is too big,avast 7 cannot be installed with an older version.

but the problem i cannot remove it because the setup have begun and it has been stopped when avast installed the new version


julie_garin, using the avast! uninstallation tool for each version of avast! that you have already installed in the computer (5, 6…).
Try the latest 7.0.1414 version of avast from scratch. It should have no problems on installing.