It steals confidential information from the user related to several banking entities. Then, it sends this information to its creator. It is designed to send It is designed to send email messages to the user’s contacs in order to distribute the Trojan.
Affected platforms:
Windows 2003/XP/2000/NT/ME/98/95
First detected on: March 14, 2009
Detection updated on: March 20, 2009
Statistics No
I use Avast Free 6.0.1000
and Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware free (MBAM)
MBAM full scan option - found Trojan Bancos
MBAM has been successfully deleted TROJAN Bancos
When MBAM found a Trojan Bancos I turn off System Restore and deleted a trojan with MBAM, and restart pc.
And later I again scan pc and nothing was found Not found Trojan Bancos
I just wanted to inform Avast team about this
Lot of trojans and other malware used windows System restore to have returned so, it is best turn off system restore before deleting the malware (Trojan)
and will NOT come back again
The Trojan that MBAM found is intended to steal your ID specifically at on-line shopping and banking sites.
I can understand your concern about Avast free missing this Trojan. I am glad that MBM caught it for you.
Let me ask you three more questions at this point as I am thinking of a way or two to increase your protection without having to spend money?
What operating system and version are you using?
What Browser and version are you using?
Does your banking site use http or https?
If you want to spend some money you can upgrade from Avast Free to to Anti-Virus Pro or the Internet Security Suite which have additional features some of which are designed to better handle Trojans like BANCOS. You can also purchase MBM Full Version which runs in real-time and would probably have blocked this Trojan when it tried to infect your system. Avast and MBM Full Version are compatible.
If you don’t want to spend money to get additional protection I would
Upgrade to Firefox 4.0.
If you want to stay with your current version of FF or update to 4.0 you might want to consider adding some more addons to upgrade your protection level while browsing in FF. They may have some that you have not installed that are designed to help prevent what happened to you.
I use a number of FF addons that help keep my system clean. If you would like my list you can send me a message on this website. On the other hand you can just browse the Firefox Addons website to see if there are any addons there that you not currently using that may help provide additional protection.
In any case you should try and do your banking and on-line shopping only at “https” websites.
Hypothetical question if some hacker stole my pasword credit card pin in bank and stole my money for example 5000 euros on the internet and I use Avast internet security(best antivirus for banking) to cheking my banking acount , they Avast or MBAM would give me the money back MY 5000 euros because I used their antivirus program Avast internet security or Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware full,when I was robbed (this is only Hypothetical question)
I don’t think any security company would give you your money back. Not hypothetical
If you can find one, please let me know.
However, your bank might have insurance to protect you against theft. I know that my bank does. In addition my bank uses a “https” website and is a very good bank.
If you are not using the free Secunia PSI updater program I suggest that you download and install this. It will help keep your programs up to date and it works.
I know all this,I use free programs and I know that none of the security company can not guarantee 100% protection on the Internet and no one returned the stolen money.
Only we can help to fix something in the antivirus program when we already use for free