Avast 6 freeware Browsers take ages to open.

Hi,I had to uninstall and reinstall Avast,and since the reinstall my browsers (ie9/firefox/google chrome)
take ages to open,i know it’s Avast because when i disable Avast the browsers open lightening fast.
I’ve had a good fiddle in the settings for the webshield but nothing seems to fix it.
Would be if grateful if someone knows a fix for this problem. ???
My os is Windows 7 32bit home premium sp1.

What was your previous av ? What firewall do you use ? And do you have Comodo with hips (or whatever it is called )

My previous av was Avast6 freeware which did’nt have this problem.Using Windows firewall,and no i don’t have Comodo.

Your thread title says “Avast 6 freeware Browsers take ages to open” and you said that your previous version was Avast 6 freeware which didn’t have a problem.

My previous av was Avast6 freeware which did'nt have this problem

What version number of Avast 6 freeware is causing you the problem?

What Browser and version are you using?

Could you give us an example by timing how long it is taking to open one or two URLS?


[quote author=Nesivos link=topic=73628.msg611432#msg611432 date=1299888706]
Your thread title says “Avast 6 freeware Browsers take ages to open” and you said that your previous version was Avast 6 freeware which didn’t have a problem.

My previous av was Avast6 freeware which did'nt have this problem

What version number of Avast 6 freeware is causing you the problem?

What Browser and version are you using?

Could you give us an example by timing how long it is taking to open one or two URLS?


Hi Nesivos,
I was just writing down my browser versions,and i thought i’d time ie9 first
and what do you know,it’s miraculously fixed it self.
The problem i had before was clicking the browser icon and it was hanging on the 3
i use (ie9/firefox/google chrome).I noticed when i had the problem before if i clicked
the browser icon the Avast globe in the taskbar would instantly start spinning,scanning
i suppose, but now it does’nt start spinning until the browser opens and this has stopped
it hanging.
When i had the problem before it was only slow opening the browser once the browser
was open it performed at normal speed.

Well it’s miraculously unfixed itself now which has coincided after i’ve done
a full scan.
Here are the details you asked for.
Avast version 6.0.1021
ie9 version 9.0.8080.16413
Firefox version 3.615
Google chrome version 10.0.648.133
Start up times of browsers after clicking icon.
ie9 20 secs
Firefox 12 secs
Google chrome 15 secs
Avast task bar globe starts spinning again after clicking browser icon.

Still trying to fix this problem without any success.Thought
i’d do a short video to explain the problem (2.58secs)Avast6 version 66.0.1000

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Can you update to .1027 which is the latest and see if that makes a difference

[quote author=essexboy link=topic=73628.msg613638#msg613638 date=1300305178]
Can you update to .1027 which is the latest and see if that makes a difference

I’ve already tried it makes no difference.

I have win 7 and IE9 my browser opens in about a second and a bit

Have you changed any of the shield settings ?

I changed shield settings as trial and error trying to fix the problem,but when it
did’nt fix it i then put the setting back to how it was.

to essexboy

Why Comodo? does create problems or conflicts with avast 6.0 free?

My browsers open in a second and a bit when Avast is disabled.Did
you see my vid in a previous post?

Aye I did which was why I queried you about the shield settings

Do you run any other net related programmes at start like IM’s or P2P

You seem a bit nervous ???

No i don’t have any progs at start like IM’S or P2P.
I did try disabling webshield but still the same.

Who me? ???


No not nervous just anxious for a fix to this problem.