As pointed out, we are not avast employees.
I also mentioned (more than once now) that the firewall rules deletion and re-creating (for web browsers, avast, and printer drivers / software) is only the first step so to narrow down the source of the problem. That means that the firewall itself is probably not the source of the issue, but it is yet part of the troubleshooting steps.
AFTER the firewall steps (including reboot and re-creating of rules, if the firewall requests them), comes the web shield settings, and the possible configuration of the specific port of the printer (which could be seen by Windows, for example, as an IP port, independently of the real hardware).
Who knows, the problem could be in the specific version of Office, or in the specific Windows version. We haven’t even got to questions like “Are you able to print web pages?”, just as an example.
One troubleshooting possibility “could” be uninstalling everything involved (avast, office, the printer and its driver and its software and any and all security tools like MSE), cleaning the remnants (http://singularlabs.com/uninstallers/security-software/) and reinstalling the latest stable versions. I don’t know if you need to get to that extreme.
Sometimes avast (or some other software) may not be the real source of a problem, but only it “shows” you that there is some issue behind. Since I’m not an avast developer, I have no way to tell you, with the info I / we have right now. If the bottom line problem is (or isn’t) avast.
Installing additional security tools can complicate the problems, as seen MANY times here in the forum, even when a user states he is an experienced technician and knows what he is doing. (Please, don’t misunderstand me. I’m actually writting about a real case that just happen today in another topic.)
So, there is no need (nor goal) for any kind of aggression, in any level at all, from anyone to anyone. I think the minimal suggestions here were sincere, and opening a ticket request may be the best way to point the attention of the developers to this issue (and to find out whether avast is the real source of the problem, or it is just a coincidence of many little things altogether).