avast 6 - Office Click to Run

There have been a few threads about this issue, but no verified answer from avast.

I have Windows 7 (64 Bit) with Office Starter Click to Run. Bottom line, avast blocks the printing from Word and Excel. With avast disabled, it prints fine.

This issue has been discussed on these forums here:


It has been discussed in Microsoft forums here:


The only confirmed solution has been to uninstall avast and switch to MSE, but I can’t believe avast hasn’t fixed this issue yet or at least provided a reasonable workaround.

Any suggestions?

Delete your firewall rules that are related to web browsers and /or related to avast (even if your firewall is disabled). Save the changes and reboot.

Then your firewall should eventually ask you to re-create anew the rules. Allow the creation of them. Avast should then be able to update and your web browser should let you open web sites.

If there is any kind of firewall rule related to your printer, delete it too, reboot and let it re-create.

Once you successfully tested avast’s connection and web site access, test the printer.

Please report back (so we can provide you with additional avast settings if necessary).

1.) I have set up no firewall rules.

2.) When I disable avast, things print fine, so I am confused as to why you are pointing to the firewall.

3.) Avast already updates fine.

4.) I am able to view web pages with no problem.

Based on things on this forum and others (as I linked above) this is clearly an avast issue. I wa shoping someone from avast could address this with a simple solution. As I sadi in my original post, the only verified solution has been to uninstall avast.

I would hope avast can come up with something better than that solution…

2.) When I disable avast, things print fine, so I am confused as to why you are pointing to the firewall.
we have had many cases here where there have been problems surfing the net.....and as soon as they disable avast webshield, surfing works fine and then of course they say it is a avast problem. ::)

However as soon as they deleted the avast rules in the firewall and rebooted, everything was working normal

often happen with comodo and zonealarm firewalls

I am not using a thrid party firewall - just the Windows 7 built in firewall. Trying to defer the blame from avast is not the answer - if you read the link I provided to the MS forums, the problem went away when they deleted avast and installed MSE… Note that the firewall, its settings, etc… stayed the same, and things began to work fine…

Since this seems like a pretty major issue (not being able to print due to avast) I was hoping for an actual answer, not some list of various things to try. I guess I assumed avast would have already figured this one out - the thread I lionked i nmy original post goes back to March of 2011…

Is there any official word from avast on solution or workaround for this?

As I already wrote, my post was a “first step” and not the last one. I’m not saying avast is not related. I’m just saying that the firewall rules (built in firewall in Windows, a hardware firewall or whichever you have, enabled or not) is the first step for this type of cases IMHO.

The web shield settings would be the second step, but only after the firewall rules.

We have seen enough cases, so there is a chance a couple of relatively simple steps can resolve the issue, while avast by itself can’t resolve automatically every and any situation (which depends not only on avast’s installation, but it is still related to it).

Now, if you don’t want to try to follow the suggestions, that’s up to you. I’m not related to avast, other than being a simple user, so I can’t guarantee you that the whole set of steps will effectively solve your problem.

I’m not going to post a full article of all the possible steps to follow. The solution may depend on many different things, so I posted the first steps I think may be part of the solution to your problem.

I’m not surprised that MS would suggest using MSE, for almost any question posted about any other security tool. They may be correct in some specific case.

I’m glad you find a workaround, even if it means using a different antivirus. Good luck.


Not to be ubgrateful, but it appers you have not read my posts… In this case, specifically my second one replying to your suggestions… I DO NOT have any fireweall rules set up, and I DO have an updated avast and I CAN connect to the internet… You make it sound as if I’m iunwilling to try your suggestiosn, but I’ve already said there was nothing in that post for me to try…

Yes, it is logical the MS forums would recommend MSE, but that doe snot change the fact that deleting avast and using MSE instead solved the problem for many users on that thread. I brought it up to counter your placing the blame on the firewall or its settings… Firewall was not an issue at all. It is clearly something with avast, but avast does not seem to want to hear that.

Years ago, there were avast knowledgeable people here, actually some of its developers if I recall correctly. Do they not participate oin these forums anymore? Have these just become user to user forums with little / no oversight?

You said you have Windows firewall, and I said whether enabled or disabled, delete the relevant firewall rules anyway. In addition, you may have a hardware firewall with some configuration (for example, in a router).

So, yes, I read your posts correctly, and you were not willing to at least try it (which is fine with me). It would have been finished by now and we would had been able to go to the next step, but anyway…

As I said, I don’t have any problem at all with your decision using MSE instead of testing the suggestion, reporting back and waiting for the next steps. Really, it’s fine with me.

Since you already took out avast and are happy with MSE, I don’t really know what are we talking / discussing about now.


“So, yes, I read your posts correctly”

“Since you already took out avast and are happy with MSE, I don’t really know what are we talking / discussing about now”

Perhaps you are reading my posts, but it is clear you are not understanding them. I never said I had decided to use MSE, nor did I say I had installed it. If that were the case, I wouldn’t even bother wasting my time here… I am trying to keep avast, which I have used for over seven years, but would like to be able to print in MS Office Starter… If MSE is the only solution (and from the lack of help here, that appears to be the case) I will switch, but again, I’d prefer not to…

Thanks for trying, and I believe your intentions are good, but you seem stuck on a firewall issue, which is not the answer.

I’d be happy to try other possible solutions. Sadly, it seems as if avast is just sticking their heads in the sand about this issue by pointing fingers elsewhere. They are losing users who WANT to use avast but are getting no help with this problem…

Just FYI, Click to Run in the starter edition of Office 2010 has other issues as well. It can cause corruption in Windows restore points that makes them unusable. It has to do with the virtualization features and that mysterious Q drive that is created on your machine. I had problems and wound up uninstalling Office Starter completely and going with my Enterprise edition of Office 2007. That has no problems at all with either Avast or System restore. Unless you really need the Click to Run functionality, I would uninstall that part and see what happens.

Yes, it is logical the MS forums would recommend MSE, but that doe snot change the fact that deleting avast and using MSE instead solved the problem for many users on that thread.
It also eliminates any rules set up in the firewall regarding avast!. Same as having uninstalled avast!

Removing all rules in the firewall that link to avast will force new rules to be written based on your answers when avast! requires internet access.

Would it really shock you if they were not even aware of it? I mean, this company essentially serves up a customer base of millions with a skeleton crew (more or less) and does it quite well. So things can fall through the cracks, thats the downside.

Ady4um is telling you to check your FW for a reason. You must have FW rules if you have WinFW turned on, otherwise nothing would be able to connect. The Avast! Web Shield functions as a transparent proxy at port 12080 on your FW. Recently, the Web Shield got a feature added where it now scans not just browser processes, but other HTTP traffic as well. He is trying to narrow down what the root cause of the problem is.

But since you seem unwilling to play ball, at least without a detailed “Why?” for each step you are asked, maybe you should try submitting a support ticket instead, as was suggested in the other thread you posted in.

I am uncertain why I am being accused of not “playing ball.” It is simply not a firewall issue. If me stating that fact is not “playing ball,” then so be it. I guess I could argue he is not “playing ball” by offering other help when I say it is not a firewall issue… I am unsure what exactly I can do to prove to you guys that point - it seems like you have this little club and, right or wrong, you are supporting the answer you all agree is reasonable… I am surprised you did not recommend a repair install of either Office Starter or avast… or Windows 7…

About avast and , this has been posted on their very own forums as far back as March of 2011. Do they not monitor these forums?

Since we can’t help or reason with you, maybe the support ticket is your best option. :frowning:

“Since we can’t help or reason”

I think we agree that some here cannot reason… ;D

You are treating me as if I am not open minded on this issue. But all of the replies are focused on only one thing…

The only advice given thus far has been firewall related… What do you want? Screen shots of a disabled firewall and Office Starter still not printing? I mean, seriously, you are all high and mighty that I am not playing along with your little game… What exactly would it take to prove - or even make one of you consider - that it is NOT a firewall issue?


Why have have you disabled the Win 7 firewall ?

Greetz, Red.

You never said once you disabled the FW, all you said was


None of those implies it was disabled.

You are getting real chippy now, with comments like this

Its not a game…its is looking like you never wanted help from the users to begin with, all you want is a company man/woman to talk to, and we showed you the ticket option for that…for the first time, I am seriously tempted to send someone to iYogi. ::slight_smile:

And yes, they monitor the forums, but I have my doubts they check every last thread, especially ones that have responses. The devs need to be free to develop, this is not the infant software company it once was. So if you want to officially report something and make sure it is not missed (it might have been the first time, or it might be something that was fixed but came back), as was said, the ticket is a better option.


As pointed out, we are not avast employees.

I also mentioned (more than once now) that the firewall rules deletion and re-creating (for web browsers, avast, and printer drivers / software) is only the first step so to narrow down the source of the problem. That means that the firewall itself is probably not the source of the issue, but it is yet part of the troubleshooting steps.

AFTER the firewall steps (including reboot and re-creating of rules, if the firewall requests them), comes the web shield settings, and the possible configuration of the specific port of the printer (which could be seen by Windows, for example, as an IP port, independently of the real hardware).

Who knows, the problem could be in the specific version of Office, or in the specific Windows version. We haven’t even got to questions like “Are you able to print web pages?”, just as an example.

One troubleshooting possibility “could” be uninstalling everything involved (avast, office, the printer and its driver and its software and any and all security tools like MSE), cleaning the remnants (http://singularlabs.com/uninstallers/security-software/) and reinstalling the latest stable versions. I don’t know if you need to get to that extreme.

Sometimes avast (or some other software) may not be the real source of a problem, but only it “shows” you that there is some issue behind. Since I’m not an avast developer, I have no way to tell you, with the info I / we have right now. If the bottom line problem is (or isn’t) avast.

Installing additional security tools can complicate the problems, as seen MANY times here in the forum, even when a user states he is an experienced technician and knows what he is doing. (Please, don’t misunderstand me. I’m actually writting about a real case that just happen today in another topic.)

So, there is no need (nor goal) for any kind of aggression, in any level at all, from anyone to anyone. I think the minimal suggestions here were sincere, and opening a ticket request may be the best way to point the attention of the developers to this issue (and to find out whether avast is the real source of the problem, or it is just a coincidence of many little things altogether).

I suggest that if you quote someone, you not take things out of context. >:(