avast 6 pro & Outpost Firewall PRO not working

lol. I know, I had issues with avast 5.1.889 with SP1 namely the web shield and I had seperate issues with PC Tools Firewall 7 with SP1. Luckily the Avast devs pushed out 6 the day after SP1 was released and it fixed the issue I was having with Avast. But the firewalls are a different story as you read from my post. Everybody said SP1 was just a collection of updates/hotfixes, but I think otherwise with the issus i’ve been reading. My machine was completely up to date with patches and my download for SP1 was still 86Mb.

Now if DavidR avast! Technical would update his signature to include his Windows 7 Notebook it would be good. :wink:

Please go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then update your Signature: with information like my signature as this helps the helpers offer pertinent advice.

For Gopher John

- Firewalls: Third party firewalls may find that some of the low level hooks they use have changed.

I solved the problem.
In New Behaviour Shield, in Expert settings option - Unmark : monitor the system for unauthorised modifications
and as if by magic, Outpost starts and internet connection works again.

For DavidR :

“I take it that you are also using the 64bit version of Outpost Firewall Pro (OFP) as this doesn’t appear to be a problem with avast and OFP 32bit version ?”

Yes, I’m using the 64 bit version of Outpost Securtity Suite

Not a chance, so no need to even bother going there.

I don’t use it that frequently and one of the major reasons, I really don’t like the win7 experience. There are times when I have to wonder who owns this system me or win7 a right pain in the ass.

I guess you are becoming the dinosaur :wink:

Well if calling something a pain in the ass is becoming a dinosaur, then I guess I have been a dinosaur from my early teens. As they say if banging your head against a brick wall hurts, then stop it and that is what I feel like at times with win7.

Well at least bob3160 moved up to Windows 7 :wink:
He convinced me that Windows 7 was better than XP :wink:
Maybe you should attend one of Bob’s seminars or get him to come to cold wet England ;D
By the way I grew up in north England and left for much better opportunities here.

And what has that got to do with win7 being a pain in the ass.

What does the fact that Bob uses win7 or not have to do anything - Bob’s security seminar is hardly any relevance, good security practice isn’t only about what OS you use.

Even less relevant with using win7 or not, is where you grew up and why you left,
but then again this is nothing new for you to go dashing off at a tangent once again.