I have Outlook 2003 and Avast 6.0.1000 with Windows XP, SP3.
Every time Avast locate and stop a virus usually in Zip or word files, the system collapses. Outlook stop, ask to restart and recheck all inbox files.
We restart, you receive all messages again up to the message with the virus, then the system collapses again and this gos on…
Please help!
Well tell avast to delete virus when it detects it. Then avast will delete it
Thanks for your reply. There is no time in between…!! When it detects a message a second later, system reports a failure and asks to restart!!!
Any other ideas?
Go to mail shield–> expert settings–>action.
Try this and post
I have deleted all suspicious messages through the server webmail to be able to work so here is nothing in to check it right now. I already changed the action to “delete” and I’ll be waiting to see the results and port results. /Diomar
Hello again. The problem persists. The Avast delete the messages now and when all new messages has been downloaded then outlook makes a fatal error and restarts immediately!
Any ideas?
dear diomar,
you are not alone
i have the exact same issue with xp sp3 / outlook 2003. the avast outlook plug in crashes outlook
at every start. this prob. first came up with 5.1.889 and persists ever since. only solution so far
is to uncheck “incoming/outgoing messages” in the avast email shield
i submitted a support ticket but the answer was a standard “… we are looking into it …blabla” message
so i don’t think that there will be a fix soon.