i cant really tell from your screenshot, but are you referring to the right side of the progress notification? it appears to be cut off. im not sure if that is just a screenshot error or the problem you are experiencing. ???
@ avastrad
It would have been better if you had actually cropped the image so that only the relevant section was showing, e.g. that of the scan in progress pop-up at the bottom right of the image that you have highlighted.
So what is it about the Progress notification message you have the problem with ?
Obviously I can’t read what is said on the message, not my native language and is too small.
I am referring to right side of message. I can’t minimize the message; and I can’t navigate properly with Firefox, for example; and I can’t access the desktop icon in the back of the message; etc…
OK, it does sound a bit like it is screen resolution as it should be positioned at the bottom right of your screen as in my image.
There is actually no minimise button only a close button X only this is currently out of view. This scan in progress notification pop-up will have focus, in the same way as the task manager so you won’t be able to access anything underneath/behind it.
However if you either click the avast tray icon or the Details button/link in the scan progress pop-up it will open the avastUI, Scan Computers section, once that is open you can minimise the avastUI to the tray
Whilst this isn’t ideal it is al least a work around so you can access what is behind the scan progress pop-up.
Yes, I know. This happen because my language is portuguese. Is too big. English is small. But, I reported this error for the Avast Team solve this issue.
I’m pretty sure the issue the avastrad is trying to point out is that due to the translation - the text is too long (more specifically Escanemento completo do sistema).
This is then causing the first part of the box to be bigger than it should be and stopping them from being able to see the avast logo or click the close button (as the second part is getting cut off).